How does hair fidgety do? How does hair fidgety nurse?

As we all know, the skin is divided into many kinds, and the hair quality is also divided into many kinds. According to everyone's individual life differences, from scalp to natural hair color and quality will be different, such as beauty lovers who often perm and dye their hair, or in dry autumn and winter seasons, hair is prone to generate static electricity, which will also lead to hair rash. Hairy hair is not only lusterless, but also easy to blow up. How to deal with hair rash? Now I'm going to give you some advice, so that you can easily fight against hair rash, and let your hair become slippery.

1. Cut your hair once every two months

The average growth rate of hair is about 1.5 cm per month. If you want to keep healthy growth of hair, you'd better cut off about 8 mm hair every two months. As long as you see the bifurcation, you don't hesitate to cut it off.

2. Less hair dyeing

In addition to perm damage to the hair, the chemicals in hair dyes and bleaches can also damage the length and luster of the hair. If you want to change the color of your hair, you may as well use semi permanent and temporary hair dye, and it is best to choose the color closest to the natural color of your hair. If you dye your hair, you should also control the frequency. Frequent dyeing will do great harm to your hair.

3. Pay attention to hair blowing

Choose natural air drying after shampoo, because the high temperature of hair dryer will damage the hair. When the hair is 80% dry, apply a layer of heat protectant to the hair, and then use a blow dryer and round comb to take care of the hair. Choose a high-power hair dryer, those small hair dryers rely on high-temperature baking hair moisture, great harm to the hair.

4. Don't sweat your hair

To avoid damaging healthy hair, we recommend tying it up at work. In this way, the rubber band will protect the root of the hair, but also in time to find a bifurcation of the hair tip.

5. Amazing hair oil

If your hair feels a little dry, try to wash it as little as possible. Don't worry that it will be too oily. The hair oil will provide enough nutrition for the old hair at the end of the hair. You can comb the dry hair every day, so that the hair oil at the root of the hair will be brought to the top of the hair by the comb.

6. Care for your hair

Whether it's long hair or short hair, if you want soft hair, you must be diligent in nursing. After each shampoo, you can use conditioner or essential oil spray to nourish hair.