What shampoo does white hair use? Let white hair turn black Shampoo

What shampoo does white hair use? Let white hair turn black Shampoo

White hair, are you still worried about it? Here are some shampoo that can make your hair black without hair dyeing.

The main component of hair is keratin, which contains a variety of amino acids and dozens of trace elements. If you lack iron and protein, your hair will turn yellow and bifurcate. Lack of vegetable oil, vitamin A, protein and iodine, hair will be dry, dull, easy to break. Lack of vitamin B group will appear lipid leakage dermatitis and hair loss phenomenon.

Choose nourishing and Repairing Shampoo and hair care products

2 should pay attention to diet and nutrition, rich in calcium and vitamin food, is conducive to the maintenance of hair quality.

a. Eat more sulfur-containing protein: eggs, milk, lean meat, beans, fish, yeast, etc. b. Eat more vegetables and fruits: there are many essential trace elements in hair.

c. Eat more vitamin B6, vitamin E: vitamin has the effect of preventing white hair and promoting hair growth. Examples are cereal, peanuts, beans, bananas, yeast, honey, eggs and pig liver.

3 do not over frequently perm and frequent use of hair dryer, so that the sebum of the head is more evenly distributed on the whole hair, which is conducive to the protection of hair and maintain its luster.

4 comb method: should comb straight hair tip again from the top down comb, comb to choose wide teeth. Avoid static electricity generated by using plastic combs