7 steps of fitness dance

Fitness dance 7-step breast Aerobics

Fitness dance, the chest is an important part of a woman to show charm, has a tight plump chest is a lot of women proud of things. So, today, I'd like to introduce 7-step breast aerobics to make you more confident.

First Standing on the clean floor, the body is straight, the front feet of the feet are separated in an "eight" shape, and the rear heels are combined; Hold your hands straight up, inhale, hold your chest up, and then pull your arms straight to the back of your body. So stretching chest muscle and thymus can prevent chest sagging;

The body still stands straight, inhales, raises the chest to receive the abdomen. Hold your hands behind your back in opposite directions, inhale, stretch your arms, and maintain 6 groups of natural breathing movements. After that, the hands return to the original position, and the hands transpose to repeat the same action, which can speed up the blood circulation in the chest.

After the body returns to the straight state, inhale, raise the arms straight up, close the palm and 8 fingers, and let the two index fingers extend and merge. Inhale, hold your chest and abdomen, bend your knees, squat, keep 6 groups of natural breathing time, and repeat 6 times. This can correct the bad posture and further promote the blood circulation in the chest;

The body naturally sits on the floor, the feet extend gradually, the feet merge. Move the upper body down, support the ground with palms of both hands, press the head down toward the ground, inhale, hold your chest and abdomen. Return to the natural sitting position, repeat 6 times, so as to improve the fatigue of chest, shoulder, waist and back, and promote blood circulation;

Sit on the floor naturally with straight back, straight right leg and bent left knee. Keep your left hand straight, touch the ground pointedly, turn your body to the left, and repeat on the other side. This can relieve the tense chest muscles and promote the blood circulation in the chest;

Stand straight, feet apart, arms half raised horizontally, back hard, keep 6 natural breathing time. Hands back to the original position, repeat 6 times, can prevent breast sagging;

Legs straight on the floor, hands on the ground, the body slowly up tilt back, the body center of gravity fell on both arms. Inhale, hold your chest and abdomen, press your head back and hold for 6 seconds. The body returns to lie prone, repeat the action 6 times again, unobstruct thymus, can prevent chest disease, compact breasts