How does thigh reduce the most effective method to practice slender beautiful leg to have secret

Everyone wants a pair of slender legs. If the thighs are too thick, it's not good for dressing or feeling. However, modern people often sit, resulting in a larger thigh. So, how does thigh reduce? What is the most effective way?

How to reduce the most effective method of thigh: exercise thin thigh

1、 Muscle type: muscle turns into fat

Muscular thighs are the characteristics of athletic girls. After stopping a lot of exercise, because the muscle tissue suddenly did not exercise in the past, gradually transformed into fat. Therefore, it will take quite a long time to solve this problem.

Slimming program: restore exercise habits or practice "leg beauty"

Action a: stand one foot in front of the other and raise the heel. Then bend your legs, but keep your upper body and heels vertical.

Action B: stand with your feet apart, then bend your knees and your body forward. The hips must be up, but the back must be straight.

Action C: stand with your palms against the wall and your feet together. One of the legs is raised back, trying to make the heel touch the hip.

Tips: do 20 to 25 times each, once every other day. After a few weeks, do these actions again. That is to say, after these actions are finished, take a rest of 60 to 90 seconds and do them again. If you have time, you can do it four or five times a week.

2、 Fat type: relaxation caused by insufficient exercise

With the increase of age, fat also accumulates. But the main cause of muscle relaxation is lack of exercise, forming the so-called fat thigh.

Thin leg program: in order to maintain good leg line, every day to carry out targeted local exercise. Among them, stretching exercise is the most effective way of thigh fitness.

Action a: drop your arms, squat with one knee, keep your back straight, and extend the other leg backward until it is parallel to the ground;

Action B: or in the same position, extend the other leg to the side until it is at a 90 degree angle with the body, and try to do three groups (10 times in each group) on each leg.

Tips: this kind of exercise can also be carried out when the body is standing. Stand on one leg and keep the body straight, and extend the other leg to the side and back. Try to make the thighs straight and parallel to the ground.

Leg extension can also be carried out on the side, lying flat on the bed or floor. One leg is close to the floor, and the other leg is raised up until the leg and the body form a 45 degree angle. Then the upper leg is supported on a table or chair with a 45 degree angle, and then the leg close to the upper leg is raised.

This kind of exercise can strengthen the internal and external muscles of the thigh, rather than only exercise the external muscles, so as to maintain the balance and symmetry of the thigh.

3、 Edema type: edema that is difficult to eliminate

Edema is often caused by keeping a posture for a long time. Unconsciously, the gap between the legs disappeared! Clap your hands on your legs!

Slimming program: do more slimming massage.

(1) Specific actions:

a. Place the thumb vertically at the acupoint, gently press for 5-7 seconds, then stop for 5-7 seconds, then press for 5-7 seconds, and then slowly recover.

b. Overlap your thumbs and press with one hand. Because the stimulation is stronger, the effect will be more obvious.

c. In the point where thumb can't be pressed, four fingers can be pressed together. The method is the same as thumb pressing. Touch the acupoints vertically and press them slowly.

(2) Massage acupoints:

Yongquan acupoint: bending toes, palms of feet will appear depression, reduce leg fatigue.

Xuehai point: three fingers above the medial side of the knee to promote blood circulation.

Sanyinjiao point: four fingers above the ankle to eliminate muscle tension.

Thigh how to reduce the most effective method: also need to pay attention to eat reasonable

Experts believe that most of the unsuccessful leg weight loss is mainly due to relying too much on exercise and not paying attention to diet. These people often limit their calorie intake significantly. But they don't think much about the role of fat. Diet should be low in fat and high in fiber. For example, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat those rich in fat diet, especially fast food.