How to practice vest line

Today, I teach you 5 effective actions to reduce the belly to practice the vest line. If you are still worried about the lack of vest line, please come and learn this exercise with me.

How to practice vest line?

Perfect abdomen is the foundation of a woman's sexy figure, but it's not easy to have enchanting waist curve and sexy waistcoat line. Therefore, how to quickly reduce the weight on the abdomen has become an urgent need for girls to know. Next, we recommend a group of simple and easy to do exercises, such as thin waist, flat abdomen, waistcoat line and so on, You can have a small waist and vest line!

Waistline 1:

Lie flat on the yoga mat, hold your head with both hands, bend your left leg to the knee, support the ground with your left foot, bend your right leg to the knee, put your right foot on your left knee, keep your back straight, raise your shoulders with your abdomen, and touch your right knee with your left hand forward. Then, when you return to a flat state, repeat this action for 30 times, and continue on the other side after completion.

Waistline 2:

Keep your arms straight, put your hands on the yoga mat, straighten your legs together, and keep your toes on the ground. Keep your back straight, tighten your abdomen, and then bend your legs and knees up to raise your chest. Do this 30 times on each leg.

Waistline 3:

Lie flat on the yoga mat, hold your head with both hands, bend your knees together, lift up off the ground, keep your back straight, tighten your abdomen, then bend your right leg up, touch your right knee with your left elbow forward, then bend your left leg up, and touch your left knee with your right elbow forward. This action is repeated for 30 times.

Waistline 4:

Bend your arms and Elbows 90 degrees on the yoga mat, straighten your legs together, and keep your toes on the ground to make your body in a straight line. Keep your back straight, tighten your abdomen, and then raise your hips slightly forward and lower them. This action is repeated for 1 minute.

PS: girls can adjust the action time according to their own situation.

Action 5:

Lie flat on the yoga mat, raise your arms straight forward, keep your legs straight together, raise your legs up to the ceiling, keep your legs motionless, keep your back straight, exert force on your abdomen, raise your shoulders up, and make your legs touch your ankles as much as possible. This action is repeated for 30 times. Pay attention to that when lifting your shoulders up, do not use excessive force, so as not to hurt your waist.

The above 5 vest line movements are not only easy to learn, but also very practical in practice! Usually you can practice at home by yourself. Keep practicing every day. After a month, you will find that your waist is small and your waistline is more and more obvious. If you want to have a proud figure, you need to make more efforts than others. There is no doubt about that. So those girls who haven't practiced waistline, don't complain any more and practice quickly!