How does the female student practice the buttock not thick leg?

How does the female student practice the buttock not thick leg

When many people practice hip lifting, they tend to make their legs thicker and thicker. How do girls practice hip lifting without legs? What are the exercise methods of raising buttocks but not thick legs? Let's have a look!

In order to avoid leg thickening, hip extension should be greater than knee extension, knee joint should be stable in the whole process, and abdomen should be activated.

1. The range of hip extension is larger than that of knee extension

In complex movements (such as hard pull), if you want to stimulate your hips more than your legs, there is a trick: the range of hip extension is greater than that of knee extension. That is to say, it needs hip movement as the driving force, knee assist with the overall movement of the lower limbs.

2. The knee joint is stable in the whole process

In the process of doing movements, in order to ensure the safety of training and maximize the training effect, the spatial position of the knee should not change, and there should be no forward and backward movement. And to do this requires a strong knee stability, also inseparable from the stability of the core, after all, the body is a continuous whole. Before starting hip training, or during normal training, you may need to add some unarmed knee stability training.

3. You need to activate the abdomen

First of all, after the abdominal force and lower back muscles are tightened, like two pieces of small armor, the upper body can be kept straight (the waist does not protrude, the upper back does not arch); second, the abdominal tension can reduce the load of lower back muscles, which can not only reduce the risk of cold injury, but also avoid lumbar compensation.

4. Activation of hip and hip before exercise

Activate the hips and hips before formal training. Ten minutes of self weight training (such as alternate backward step squat, leg rotation hip bridge, push hip squat, single leg hard pull knee lift, etc.) can not only help you activate the iliac joint and hip, but also warm up, giving the muscles a signal to start working. Wake up the buttock perception, can better and more deeply stimulate to the part of the force: buttock.

5. The change of movement rhythm should be flexible

If you want to lift your hips but not your thick legs, you must deepen the action mode of hip force. When you don't master the action well, the knee flexion and extension will unconsciously be larger than the hip, which is originally dominated by the hip muscle force, but becomes the quadriceps force. In order to better control the movement and find the right part of the force, I usually deliberately slow down the rhythm of the first 7-8 movements, using 3 seconds for centrifugation and 2 seconds for centripetal, which is summed up as 3-2; when I find the feeling or feel that I can grasp the movement well, I use 3-1 rhythm; when I am about to exhaust, I add a few fast half-way movements. This group down, to ensure that the acid cool.

6. It is not suitable to choose overweight weight

It's said that heavy weight can stimulate muscles better, yes, but that's for the top experts who can master movements. Before learning to move, you must use the weight you can control. Cmers, we don't need to practice strength lift. There's no need to rush that number.