Can you lean your legs by standing against the wall

Can you lean your legs by standing against the wall

There are many ways to lose weight now, such as diet therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, surgery, etc., but to make up a small number of small, the most healthy and effective is to lose weight by exercise. Today, I will introduce a fast and lean leg movement method: stand up against the wall, and let's have a look.

Since star basking vest line has attracted the attention of netizens, many stars like to bask their own exercise photos online. Today, the small editor introduces how to lean on the wall, and let's have a look.

If you can stand your legs on the wall every day and hold on for 30 minutes, you can consume the fat on your legs. Long-term persistence will play a role in reducing the leg. If you can stick to this method, you can not only play the role of reducing the leg, but also reduce the wrinkles on your face, and improve your face, delay aging. Why not do you want to. In addition to this method, the method of skinny legs can also be used for jogging, climbing, cycling, shuttlecock kicking, etc. as long as you can persist, you can make yourself a beautiful woman.

The right position of lean leg

1. find a wall and place a pillow at the root of the wall (cushion or folded towel can also be used). Place your head on the pillow with both hands and knees, 15-25 cm from the wall. Place your hands firmly on both sides of the head, about the same width as your shoulders. Lift one leg's knee close to the elbow on the same side, while straightening the other leg away from the ground.

2. let the leg close to the Elbow push hard to the ground, kick the other leg up at the same time, so that both legs are leaning against the wall at the same time. Once your feet are against the wall, slowly straighten your legs and straighten your body. Keep your mouth closed and breathe gently with your nose. After holding on to the time required, bend your legs and put them down in a controlled way.

3. training objectives:

Primary standard: 30 seconds

Intermediate standard: 1 minute

Upgrade criteria: 2 minutes

4. steady fighting: when standing against the top of the wall, most people can hold on for a few seconds. The main problem is how to make the inverted position. It is difficult to find the right way to push and pedal the wall. If you feel it's a bit difficult, ask your friends for help until you can finish it on your own.

Precautions for lean legs

1. Do not immediately stand down after dinner, to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, preferably before or after 2 hours after the exercise.

2. Before the inverted, it is better to warm up the body first. You can bend down your waist, turn your head and neck several times, move your wrist and so on, so as to avoid hurting the muscles during the process of the handstand.

3. After the inverted, to relax the tight muscles, you can do stretching actions, such as throwing arms, turning the head and neck, and moving the wrist.

4. If you want to have better effect on skinning legs, you can eat seaweed properly in your diet. It contains rich nutrients, which is conducive to regulating the balance of body fluids; the flavor coke, which contains abundant Potassium, can meet the nutritional needs of beautiful legs; Apple has a rich calcium content, which helps to metabolize the excess salt in the body. In addition, apple contains "malic acid" which can metabolize heat , to prevent the lower body; red beans, can promote urination, eliminate swelling caused by heart or kidney disease, and help excrete waste such as salt and fat in the body.