Does breast enlargement occur after breast-feeding

Does breast enlargement occur after breast-feeding

Many girls say that I am proud of my flat chest, but is this really the case? Who doesn't want to be more feminine? Does breast enlargement occur after breast-feeding? Let's take a look at the relevant information and materials collected below!

This has something to do with the hormone level in the body. After stopping breast-feeding, the hormone level in the body will change, and the breast will shrink. This is normal. You can do more hot compress and massage, eat more papaya and pueraria, and use breast oil to help improve.

And the thing that really enables women to have breast-feeding function is called breast tissue. The mammary gland tissue of adult female is composed of 15-20 mammary lobes. Its main function is to secrete milk and feed the next generation. The mammary gland lobe is composed of many mammary gland lobules, which contain many acini.

Does flat breast lactation have milk

When it comes to women's breasts, I'll make a digression. In fact, you can observe that many mammals don't have such large breasts as humans, even if they are not lactating.

According to Darwin's theory of evolution, organs with high utilization rate will get evolutionary development. Generally, the breast of animals is only for lactation, but the time of human breast lactation is relatively short compared with the whole life. It plays a more different role: the supplement of sexual function - being fondled by the opposite sex and themselves, stimulating its development.

Secrets of natural breast enhancement

1. Choose the right underwear

Do you really wear the right underwear? Many mm are used to online shopping underwear, you know underwear this kind of close fitting clothing is best to try on and then buy, after all, different models and different styles, the impact on the chest is different. Too large or too small underwear can not pile chest to play a good role in protection and support, but also hinder the development of the chest. Choose underwear, be sure to try on yourself, and the best for yourself.

2. Keep the correct posture

Three postures here refer to standing, sitting and sleeping postures. Don't underestimate your usual posture. It also has a great influence on your posture. Chest hump is easy to cause chest sagging, and make the chest lose the feeling of straight. Sleeping on your stomach not only oppresses your heart, but also your chest, damaging your chest health. Always remind yourself to keep the right posture, which is not only conducive to the maintenance of posture, but also conducive to weight loss.

3. Massage breast enhancement

Massage can effectively promote blood circulation, stimulate acupoints, and achieve the purpose of effective breast enhancement. But massage breast also want to master the correct technique, before massage had better smear on breast essential oil, strengthen breast effect, massage technique should be in place, moderate strength, not rough. The best time to massage breast is every night before going to bed, massage to the chest to a hot compress is also excellent.