How does breast-feeding hind chest shrivel do

How does breast-feeding hind chest shrivel do

Breast after lactation often shriveled sagging, but really let their own chest so? How does breast after lactation wither to do? Can breast-feeding recover? Here is the relevant information and information collected, let's have a look together!

How does breast-feeding hind chest shrivel do

1、 Diet breast enhancement should first strengthen nutrition in the diet, eat more high protein foods such as soy milk and eggs, supplement more zinc, chromium and other important active elements to promote the production of human sexual characteristics and the formation of sexual function. Especially chromium element, it can promote the absorption of glucose and in the breast and other parts into fat, promote breast fullness, so as to solve the problem of breast dryness after lactation. But many women in the usual diet is difficult to absorb such trace elements, so breast effect is not obvious.

2、 Don't go on a diet to lose weight. Some new mothers want to get back to shape quickly and lose weight soon after giving birth. However, many new mothers don't know that when you lose weight, your breasts will shrink. It takes about a year for postpartum new mothers to get back to shape gradually. Therefore, new mothers should not be in a hurry to lose weight for a long time.

3、 How does the chest shrivel after the movement breast enhancement breast feeding do? Actually may through the movement breast enhancement. Breast itself does not have muscle tissue to support, nor close to the sternum, it is composed of glandular tissue, connective tissue and adipose tissue, the outside is supported by a layer of skin, so this part of the skin needs special care to avoid premature relaxation and sagging. In addition, if the blood circulation is not smooth, fat tissue relaxation, will also make the breast droop. Although there is no muscle in the breast tissue, it can not be enlarged by exercise, but exercise can enhance the chest muscle under the breast, and the developed chest muscle can make the breast prominent.

Can breast-feeding recover

Breast enhancement after lactation 1. Supplement vitamin B and e

We should start with diet first! We know that postpartum care for children consumes too much energy. At this time, if we don't pay attention to nutrition supplement, body fat will be consumed, and the chest will become smaller easily.

In addition to ensuring adequate protein, new mothers after breast-feeding should take more vitamin B and E. Specifically, vitamin B can promote the synthesis of maternal estrogen; vitamin E can effectively regulate maternal estrogen; mothers eat more of these two kinds of food (such as eggs, meat, sesame, etc.).

Breast enhancement after breast-feeding 2, postpartum insist on wearing a bra

If we do not pay attention to breast care in the process of breast feeding, the lack of breast support and support, may lead to breast gland atrophy after breast feeding, and the breast blood flow is not smooth, easy to aggravate postpartum breast problems. Therefore, in order to maintain the strength of the breast, the mother should insist on wearing bra.

Breast enhancement after breast-feeding 3. Do more chest recovery exercises

Postpartum do more recovery exercises, can effectively enhance the elasticity of chest muscles, effectively improve the situation of postpartum chest gland atrophy, let the chest look more plump and straight.