Hair split causes, 5 moves to solve the problem of bifurcation!

Hair split causes, 5 moves to solve the problem of bifurcation!

Some people have "split" hair. The so-called "split" refers to the end of a hair divided into two, or even into several thin filaments. In fact, hair open is avoidable.

So why do hair fork? There are several reasons: first, the hair is too long, the second is often perm, blowing the hot air tube. Third, wash hair with strong alkaline soap too frequently, fourth, the health of the body is not very good, some hair growth necessary nutrients are insufficient.

The structure of human hair

The structure of human hair can be divided into three layers from the center to the outside: the outermost layer is called "hair epidermis", the thinnest; the layer under the skin of hair is called "cortex", the thickest; the innermost central layer is called "medulla". Hair epidermis is composed of many dead keratinocytes and keratin, and the hair grows one after another in the direction of hair growth. Hair is pushed out from the scalp hair follicle. In the part outside the scalp, Tongtong is the dead cell. Therefore, when the hair is too long, the horizontal adhesion between the cells exposed to the end of the hair exposed to the outside for a long time may gradually loosen (the longitudinal adhesion between hair cells is more tight than the transverse adhesion).

The longer the hair is left, the easier it will be to open the hair at the tip, so it is also appropriate to keep the long hair. If the long hair has too many ends to fork, pay attention to trimming. The number of perms or too much hair blowing by hot air tube, or too close to hair, or washing hair with strong alkaline soap too frequently can make hair fat greatly reduced. Once the grease is reduced, the lateral adhesion of the hair is easy to separate, and the hair is split. Both factors should be avoided as far as possible.

After knowing the reason, we should find a way to solve it. Here are 5 ways to let you keep your hair well and not dry and split.

① Cut off the split hair in time

If there is a bifurcation problem, the split part should be cut off. If it is not cut off, the tail of the long hair will still split. The best effect is to cut 2-3cm from the bifurcation point up.

② Choose a mild shampoo and conditioner that is suitable for your hair quality

Shampoo should be fully bubble and then applied to hair, then remember to put skin care element, it is indispensable in the maintenance of hair, can be damaged hair immediately replenish water. But don't apply conditioner to hair root. Rinse it with clean water after application.

③ Keep on doing the hair mask every week

It is best to nourish the hair membrane once or twice a week, which can help the hair better repair. After washing the hair, apply a moisturizing hair film on the hair, wrap the hair with a towel for 10 minutes, and then rinse it with water directly, and the hair will become very smooth. Also can combine massage, moisten the effect will be better.

④ Shampoo with warm water

In winter, many people are used to warming up water and regulating the heat. Excessive water can stimulate the secretion of scalp oil, which leads to more oil in hair. Generally, it is OK to use 20 degrees of warm water.

⑤ Comb your hair before you go to bed every day

I think most people don't have this habit, because we usually only care about removing the dust on our face and body, but we forget to brush the dust off our hair. Actually, the hair is more dirt and dust than the body and face. So choose a smooth, wide toothed comb or bristle comb before sleeping and comb your hair.