How can massage make bosom bigger


How can massage make bosom bigger

Flat chest at a glance will let a woman's temperament and charm greatly reduced, then what is the simple use of breast enhancement secret? How to massage can make the chest bigger? Simple breast massage method is what? Let's take a look!

Every night you can massage your breasts, mainly by lifting them upward, which helps to enhance the elasticity of your breasts. Lift your breasts upward from bottom to top and from inside to outside. Massage your breasts back and forth alternately with the hand temperature of your hands and appropriate strength for about 2 minutes.

The second method is to gently pat the breast around the breast, gently massage the breast from inside to outside to the armpit, which helps to make the chest stronger and stronger.

Whether it is the first method or the second method, you can add some essential oil or breast beauty products, which is conducive to moistening the skin and increasing the elasticity of the chest.

Simple breast massage method

1. Push the breast directly: first use the palm of the right hand to push the force on the upper part of the left breast, that is, under the clavicle, evenly and gently push it down to the root of the breast, and then push it back up along the original line. After 20 ~ 50 times, massage the right breast with the left hand for 20 ~ 50 times.

2. Side push the breast: use the left palm root and palm surface to push from the middle of the chest, horizontally push the right breast to the armpit, and when returning, use the five fingers to bring back the breast tissue. After repeated 20 ~ 50 times, change the right hand to massage the left breast 20 ~ 50 times.

3. Hot compress massage breast: every night before going to bed with hot towel on both sides of the breast for 3 ~ 5 minutes, with the palm of the hand massage around the breast, from left to right, massage 20 ~ 50 times. Just massage once a day according to the above method, stick to massage for 2 ~ 3 months, can make breast bulge 2 ~ 3 cm.

4. Physical exercise: exercise is a good recipe for breast augmentation. Participate in physical exercise, especially pay attention to exercise chest muscle, make pectoralis major developed, promote breast fullness. Usually pay attention to standing and walking posture, often keep chest and abdomen, in order to promote breast development, participate in swimming is especially helpful for breast fitness.

Introduction of massage technique

1. With the thumb on one side and the other four fingers closed on one side, open the mouth of the tiger and push it from the outside of the chest on both sides to the center to prevent the chest from expanding, 30 times on each side.

2. Keep your hands in the same shape, starting from the left chest. Push the left breast to the center from the outside with the left hand, push it to the center with the right hand at the same time, push the left breast up from the bottom of the left breast to the clavicle. That is to say, the left breast is pushed by two hands alternately. After 30 repetitions. Change the right breast. This movement is very important.

3. The hand is made into a cover shape with five fingers slightly separated to cover the breast. Bend slightly, cover the breast with both hands, and then pull from the bottom (not the bottom) to the nipple. Repeat 20 times.

4. Hands around the breast for circular massage, massage until all the remaining essential oil on the chest are absorbed.