Pilates breathing method Pilates breathing method and principles that beginners must know

Pilates breathing method Pilates breathing method and principles that beginners must know

Pilates and yoga are very similar, but the two are different. Yoga uses the chest and abdomen to breathe, which belongs to the complete breathing method. Pilates exercise is static and emphasizes breathing coordination. So, how does Pilates breathe? Let's take a look at the breathing method of Pilates.

Pilates breathing method

Pilates adopts the method of nasal inhalation and mouth exhalation, using horizontal breathing, that is, chest breathing, the abdomen is tightened, the contraction and expansion of the rib cage can be felt, and the nose inhales and the mouth exhales.

How to breathe while practicing Pilates

1. Sit on your practice mat.

2. Sit up straight, relax your shoulders, and cross your legs. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, belly button.

3. Close your eyes and breathe according to your usual rhythm. Feel the light pressing of your hands on your body when you breathe. You may not have a particularly good feeling, but it is likely that you can feel your chest open up a bit and your stomach goes in and out.

4. Change the position of your hands and merge your thumbs together as if you were doing a cutting action, trap your hands at the ribs on both sides, extend your hands to the open center of the ribs, relax your shoulders, and make your shoulder blade Slide to the back.

5. Breathe through your nose, relax your chin with a sighing exhalation, to ensure that your body is relaxed, use the "H" sound in "Holiday" to breathe, exhale and inhale conceptually four times, try to keep your shoulders relaxed .

6. Close your eyes and pay attention to your body and your feelings. Remember to sit comfortably, put your hands on your chest, relax your shoulders, and breathe in a gentle rhythm.

7. Use your hand and wrist at the junction, and consciously feel the inner side to gently apply pressure to your chest. Inhale if you can feel the base of your hand. Exhale and feel your chest slowly close in the middle of your body. Repeat these 9 breaths more.

The basic breathing principles of Pilates

1. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, pay attention to the depth of your exhalation, and use abdominal breathing as much as possible.

2. The breathing speed should not be too fast, which is basically the same as the movement speed. Do not hold your breath for training.

3. Pay attention to exhalation when exercising, and inhale when stationary. This can relieve the pressure on the body due to muscle exertion.

4. By controlling breathing, focus on breathing, reduce people's sensitivity to muscle soreness.