How does ballet breathe in ballet skills?

In ballet, breathing can give vitality to dance. Through breathing to control the body, help the limbs to make various dance poses, which can perfectly express the profound connotation of dance. The same as the breathing method of vocal music, ballet dancers can also use hard inhalation, slow inhalation and breathing to assist in the completion of the action. In addition to a ballet dancer, he should have a solid foundation and proficient skills.

How does ballet breathe in ballet skills?

One, the fusion of breathing rhythm and Pirouette

Releve is the most important point in the rotation. Only when the toes are raised to the maximum can the contact surface between the foot and the ground be reduced, and the frictional force will be reduced, so that it can turn faster and turn more "circles" with a small amount of energy. In Pirouette's training, from the preparation movement to the release to the beginning of the rotation, breathing can help the body lift up air and keep the body balanced, so that various types of pirouette increase stability. Generally speaking, practitioners should inhale when exerting force, such as in releve when doing pirouette. The time of inhalation should run through the entire rotation, and when the rotation stops, the inhalation should be raised again, and then when the power leg falls to the position Exhale at the time. Accurate and scientific breathing can help dancers spin more steadily, and spin more laps faster.

2. The fusion of breathing and jumping

Breathing can help various types of jumps to be completed better, so that the jump has a sense of rhythm and balance. For example, the big jump, the deepest impression left by the big jump in ballet should be the shape of the air. No matter how strong a person's jumping ability is, the time in mid-air is limited. For the shape of the air, we must allocate the limited air time scientifically. The correct breathing can help the shape of the big jump in the air to stop. When the body maintains a good dance posture and jumps into the air, control the balance of the body and maintain a steady breathing. A violent panting will destroy the stability of the aerial shape, while holding the breath will make the whole dance stiff and destroy the beauty of the aerial shape. . In the process of jumping, in the case of a natural fall with gravity after jumping to the highest point, the dancer should actively give the body an upward force, and the upward force and the downward force can offset to make the jumping in the air maintain a sense of pause. . The force that the body actively gives is qi, which is an improved suffocation action. Holding the qi and then a sudden burst of cohesion, the qi is transported to the abdomen after a sudden inhalation, and holding the breath can fix the thorax and pelvis. Force the upper and lower limbs to create a stable fulcrum; the increase in abdominal pressure promotes the contraction of muscles such as the abdomen and waist; sudden suffocation can also reflexively increase muscle strength; so these make the suffocation become strength in the companion (breathing) authority. , To enhance the sense of pause in the shape or dance in the air, and maintain the beauty of the action.

In order to ensure the completion of the aerial modeling, the breathing of the connection action is also very important. Dancers must first adjust the use of breathing according to different jumping movements when doing connecting actions. The greater the strength, the longer the dancer’s time to lift up. The time to inhale must be the same as the time from plie to pushing the ground. And it should be emphasized that the movements in the whole take-off process should be clean and agile, and should not be sluggish, so that the connection action can save energy and time, and make the dance in the air more beautiful and freely displayed.

Landing is the last step of the jump. It directly affects the integrity of the entire jump. No matter how high and beautiful the jump is before, if it falls unstable, it will destroy the integrity and beauty of the entire jump. The method of landing is easy to be ignored by beginners, so it often happens in class that the ankle or other parts are sprained due to instability after the jump. No matter how high it is from the air to the ground, there will be downward pressure on the body when landing. How can we reduce this pressure when landing? That is breathing. When landing, we must exhale the air contained in the air and then lift the air. And the body maintains a balanced and controlled landing. Follow the toes, soles and heels, and then the body does the plie landing process under the control of breathing. As the plie deepens and controlled breathing, the end of the action is completed smoothly.

3. Breathing in Ballet Skill Training

In ballet skills training, breathing can be said to be one of the most important factors. Breathing smoothly contributes to the stability and smoothness of the technique, and helps to complete the technique well. It is not difficult to see the important role of breathing in ballet skills. It is the window through which emotions emerge and the driving force to promote ballet skills to be more perfect.

In the process of training ballet turns and jumps, due to changes in technical movements, the average rhythm of breathing has also changed. To adapt to different technical movements, breathing should be adjusted according to the nature and rhythm of the movement, and the rhythm of breathing should be maintained as much as possible. The strength of the technical movement, the speed of the speed, the increase and decrease of energy, and the magnitude of the change, the rhythm of breathing is also ever-changing. The action plays a leading role, and the breathing is arranged according to the intensity and frequency of the technical action, so that the internal and external forces and the internal and external rhythms can be harmoniously unified and used freely. Through the correct use of breathing and gradual practice in ballet skills training, you can gradually achieve effortlessness and no shortness of breath.

Breathing is a kind of conscious creative behavior, so after learning the correct breathing method, you must be as proficient as possible and turn it into conscious breathing. Only correct breathing can effectively control the body, help the limbs to make various skills more perfect, and improve the speed and strength of the skills. Therefore, we must fully recognize the important role of breathing in ballet skills, and consciously hone, so that breathing and ballet skills can achieve a high degree of unity, making ballet skills more technical and appealing, and resonate with the audience in their hearts. .