What are the precautions for climbing and climbing?

What are the precautions for climbing and climbing?

Climbing, many people like climbing and climbing, climbing is relatively safe, but climbing is more dangerous. If it is some artificial climbing place, it is relatively safe. Since this sport is more dangerous, we should make full preparations and pay attention to some matters. What should we pay attention to when climbing?

1. Climbing clothes and shoes should be prepared

When we are climbing, we'd better put on climbing clothes and shoes, especially climbing shoes. After all, the road is very difficult and slippery when we are climbing. If we are not careful, it may be dangerous and life-threatening. Mountaineering clothes can ensure that when we climb the mountain, our sports will not be affected by clothes. Many movements are inflexible, which can also ensure our safety and comfort. Mountaineering shoes are mainly characterized by high friction and good air permeability to ensure safety and comfort. So we should have these sports equipment ready.

2. If you are not a professional friend, you can prepare your walking stick

For non professional friends, we can prepare a climbing crutch, especially for the elderly and children. They may not be able to use the amount of exercise, but they can use the special crutches to help us climb. In this way, we can save physical strength and protect our body from injury, and ensure the smooth climbing and descending of the mountain.

3. In the process of climbing, we need to master the speed of climbing

In the process of climbing, if the speed is too slow, it may be too dark to get down. If the climbing speed is too fast, there may be physical injury and danger, such as muscle strain or fall. So when we go up and down the mountain, we need to ensure the appropriate speed to climb according to the overall situation. We must pay attention to safety first. Don't run on it. It's very dangerous.

4. We need to choose a good place and route when climbing

We must choose a good place and route when we climb the mountain, because many of us are waiting for wild mountains in the process of climbing. If we don't know the route clearly, we may lose our way and can't reach the designated place on time. In particular, we should pay more attention to the situation that there is no longer one place to go up and down the mountain. Try not to go to the sparsely populated places to climb, otherwise, it is not easy to rescue.

5. What should be paid attention to when climbing to see the scenery and take photos

When climbing, when we need to walk, don't take photos to see the scenery, walk wholeheartedly, don't look at both sides, in order to avoid the situation of accidentally sliding. When taking photos, we should pay more attention to the ground conditions of both the photographers and the photographed. We should not just take photos and slide down the mountain.

6. We need to take necessary medicine when we climb the mountain

When we climb mountains, we will inevitably get hurt, especially bruises and falls. We mainly need to take bandages, bandages, Yunnan Baiyao, and other essential drugs. When there are bumps and abrasions, we can deal with them in time, so as not to delay the journey and unable to move.

7. When we are climbing, don't take off your coat in the shade or at the air outlet in order to cool down

In the process of mountaineering, because of the large amount of exercise, we will sweat all over the body and get very hot. This is absolutely not to take off our coat in a cool and windy place to cool down. Comfortable number comfortable, but this is likely to catch cold, causing illness, so we must pay attention to it.

8. You need to carry enough food and water when climbing

We need to carry enough food and water when we board. In the process of mountaineering, physical consumption is relatively fast, especially the water loss is very large. We must ensure that food and water are sufficient to avoid physical overdraft and dehydration. Especially in the event of an accident, if there is not enough food and water, it is difficult to get out of danger.

9. Don't smoke or use open fire when climbing

When we climb mountains, we must remember not to use open fire. There are a lot of wild grass and trees on the mountains, so it is easy to cause fire, and the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, we must not use open fire to cook or smoke, so as not to cause fire

Precautions for rock climbing

1. In addition to the second way of climbing, climbing should be paid attention to

In addition to climbing without crutches, we need to pay attention to all the above matters. Just replace climbing with climbing, and let's read it again. In addition to the above precautions, there are also some other precautions, because the climbing pen climbing is more professional and dangerous, so there are more precautions.

2. Rock climbing needs professional climbing ropes and accessories, and needs to learn to use them correctly

There are more professional climbing equipment. In addition to clothes and shoes, more important ropes, buckles and climbing axes are also needed. We need to use these things correctly. If they are not used correctly, remember not to climb. It is very dangerous, and we must choose the ones with good quality, matching models and suitable ones.

3. Be sure to warm up before climbing

When climbing, because it is a basic vertical movement, we have high requirements on our physical fitness and muscles. If we don't do warm-up exercise before climbing, it is easy to cause physical injury. If we get injured at high altitude early, it is very dangerous, so we must do a good job in climbing after warm-up exercise.

4. Communicate and help more with peers, and don't challenge the limit in dangerous situations

When climbing, there will be a lot of unexpected situations. In some places, they are afraid to work hard and can't go up. Sometimes, they can't go up because they don't have enough physical strength. In the face of this situation, we should not force ourselves. We can communicate with our peers to help ourselves. We can also choose to give up and wait for our peers in a safe place. After all, the intensity of rock climbing is very high, not everyone can climb up.

5. When climbing down, it is also very dangerous. We need to determine the safety equipment and slowly descend

After climbing to the top of the mountain, we usually need to descend through the rope. We need to check whether the rope and equipment are safe and reliable to avoid danger. When descending, the speed should be controlled well, not too fast, so as to avoid uncontrollable danger. More attention should be paid to the companions, to see if there is anyone in need of help, and we can safely descend together.