How to learn social dance?

How to learn social dance?

Social dance, the history of dance is at least as old as human beings. Dance originated in primitive society. How primitive people danced is unknown now. But from the primitive tribal behavior, we can infer that the rhythm of dance mainly comes from the beat of feet. Primitive people's instinctive sense of rhythm is always reflected in some kind of conscious dance movements. They find that dance can express people's abundant feelings, which makes people relaxed, and is closely related to the happiness of the tribe. Marriage, funeral, sacrifice, sowing, harvesting, praying, hunting, medical treatment, and feast all have serious dance rituals.

Dancing social dance first needs to have music cells, can understand the drum, step on the drum accurately, when dancing, you will not step on each other's feet, social dance is two people dance, must cooperate with tacit understanding. After two people put their shoulders and hands in a good posture, they should both raise their heads, hold their chests and stomach in order to have the correct dance posture. They should keep a certain distance between them. They should look straight ahead to the left, do not look at each other, do not look at their own feet, and walk on the dance floor with beautiful songs.

Correct preparation posture:

1. The male and female dance partners should stand face to face, the distance is about half a foot, the back should be straight, the shoulders should be relaxed, the chest should be straight, the head should be raised, the chin should be closed, the eyes should look forward from the opposite side's right shoulder, and the hands should be raised to the shoulder height.

2. The male partner's right hand is gently placed in the middle of the female partner's back, just under the scapula. His left hand is extended to the side, and his elbow is slightly bent. His left hand gently holds the female partner's hand.

3. The female partner gently puts her left hand on the male partner's shoulder, splits and extends it to the side to form a relaxed and elegant arc, and gently puts her right hand on the male partner's hand.

When dancing, the left foot of male partner leads, and the right foot of female partner leads.

The use of male partners' hands:

At the ball, why do some dancers dance so gracefully, freely and coordinately? Besides the melody and distinct rhythm of music, is there any mystery?

Yes, at the ball, the male partner is the leader, and the female partner is the follower. The quality of the dance is mainly led by the male partner. If the female partner has a little foundation, she will understand the hint given by the male partner, and they can dance very well. The so-called hint is the effect of a man's hands, which can be summarized in simple words: left hand - push and pull; right hand - loose, press and push. Here are some examples to illustrate the meaning of these words, that is, the usage of man's hands.

For example: before making progress, the right hand should be loose (with the thumb on the female partner's back) and the left hand should be pushed

Make backward step: the right hand should be pressed on the back of the female companion, and the left hand should be gently pulled, mainly with the right hand

Turn left, pull left and push right.

Turn right, press right and push left.

Key steps:

If male and female dance partners want to dance social dance well, to achieve graceful dance posture and smooth footwork, they must also master the essentials of dance steps.

The legs of both men and women should be straight but not low, loose and unremitting; the heel of the female companion should be slightly raised, the sole of the foot should be the main part, and the feet should be straight. When moving backward or forward, it is not allowed to turn outward, turn inward, and walk horizontally. Men can change their steps with music. The female partner and the male partner's hands suggest that with the male partner's footwork, he should not take the initiative, look down at his feet, and swing his head left and right.