Is scrapping really effective

Is scrapping really effective

Scraping is a more traditional way to detoxify and remove dampness. Some people say that you can use scraping to thin your face. Is scraping really effective? How long does scraping thin face take? The following is the collection of relevant information and information, want to understand it together!

Facial scraping is a combination of traditional and modern, with a certain theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine; the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine is the balance of yin and Yang, the whole body scraping is to discharge Yin toxin, which is tangible, the face is the place where Yang Meridians gather, and the sparse scraping Qi is Yang toxin, which is invisible. In modern medicine, the human body's viscera have holographic reflection area on the face.

The meridians and collaterals are connected by breath, which is from the inside to the five zang organs and six, and from the outside to the four limbs and bones. When scraping stimulation is carried out on the face, the holographic element is used to transmit the reflex area of meridians and acupoints to the internal organs for two-way regulation, which can reach the internal organs, nourish the internal organs and regulate the physiological activities of various organs, so as to achieve the health of the body and the brightness and moistening of the skin.

How long does scraping thin face take

It can be shaved 3-5 days or once a week

Gently scrape with spiral technique, from the center of the eyebrow along the middle line of the forehead up to the tip of the beauty, and then from the center of the eyebrow up to the forehead and temple. Repeat 1 to 2 times on both sides.

Take the chin as the starting point, scrape along the chin upward to the lower part of the earlobe, and repeat 2 to 3 times. If the depression of the scraping board is not obvious, it can also be replaced by the middle finger and index finger

Take the wide side of the scraping board, along the depression under the mandible, and gently scrape it down to the upper part of the clavicle in a large range, and repeat 2 to 3 times on the left and right.

Using the scraping technique, gently scraping along the lymph nodes of the face and neck can help the circulation of Qi, blood and water, and make the circulation smooth. It not only has the basic effect of relaxing muscles, but also can be used as the preparatory step of face scraping, and also helps the skin to absorb.

Other methods of facial scraping

Method 1. The formulation of scraping board: with the angle of scraping board of 45 degrees, press Dicang point with the left hand, scrape Chengzhi point with the right hand, and then scrape to the right Dicang point.

2. The same as above, starting from the right side.

Technique 3: press the Dicang point with the left hand, scrape from the right to the left lip to Renzhong point to Dicang point, and press the right hand, scrape from the left hand to the right lip to Renzhong point to Dicang point.

4. Hold the scraping board with both hands and slide from the lower jaw to the ear (via Daying and buccal carriage).

Manipulation 5. Hold the scraping board with both hands, gently lift the chin at the top of the board for 3 seconds (silently count 1, 2, 3) and then put it gently.

Technique 6. Scrape from Chengjiang point to Yingxiang point.