Sabine makes the chest stronger and more beautiful

Sabine makes the chest stronger and more beautiful

Chest up and down movement

This action prevents sagging of the chest and makes the chest stronger.

Step1 stands with legs together, his hands are forked, his spine is raised and stretched upward, and his abdomen is retracted and his hips are retracted.

Step2 uses the back to move the chest up.

Step3 then moves the chest down.

Caution: keep your body balanced when doing your actions. Keep the rest of the body in place except the chest, especially when you move your chest up.

Chest movement

This action can firm the muscles of the chest, make the chest more beautiful, and prevent hump phenomenon.

Step1 stands with legs together, hands are forked, back and back straight, and abdomen muscles and hips are tightened.

Step2 uses back force to push the chest forward and backward.

Caution: when doing the action, remember to use the back force to make the chest move forward and backward, and other parts are kept motionless.

Then combined with the above actions, the chest can move up and down, forward and backward in four directions, which can strengthen the strength of the chest muscle and make the chest stronger.

Including chest and chest exhibition movement

This group of actions can help open the chest and promote breast development.

Step1 elbows with both hands bent in front of the chest, and the back of the hand is attached. Step forward half way forward on the left foot.

Step2 arms open to both sides of the body to the same width as the shoulder, while the head is raised upward.

Step3 then goes back to step1. Take the right foot forward half step forward.

Step4 arms open as far as possible with the head up.

Step5 is restored to standing position, with hands crossing in abdomen and palm inward.

Step6 right arm extends up and left arm is inclined down.

STEP7 is restored to the position where hands cross in front of the body.

Step8 extends the left arm upward and the right arm is extended downward.

Caution: do the action with a gentle and soft feel, and dance as coherent and rhythmic. Meanwhile, the eyes of eyes move with the arms and chest movement, and the trunk is upright, and the movement of the pectoral muscles is felt during the movement.

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