The correct way and common mistakes of push up

The correct way and common mistakes of push up

I see a lot of explanations of push ups, but there is no detailed explanation of common mistakes. Here, based on many years of fitness experience, I'd like to explain the correct methods and common mistakes of push ups in detail for the majority of fitness enthusiasts, hoping to help the majority of fitness enthusiasts.

Hand foot push ups:

Target muscles: pectoralis major, triceps brachii and anterior bundle of deltoid.

Synergetic muscles: coracobrachialis, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor.

Starting position: arms apart, shoulder width or slightly wider than the shoulder, arms bent, toes on the ground, head slightly raised, eyes on the ground. Keep your back in a natural arc and bend your elbow slightly.

The process of push up with hands and feet at the same height:

Slowly lower the body, when the upper body is about 2 cm above the ground, pause a little, and then support the arms to the starting position.

Action Essentials: the spine should be straight, and the head and spine should be in the same line.

Breathing method: when the body falls, inhale, and exhale when reducing.

It's easy to make a mistake in weight-bearing hand foot push ups: waist collapse.

For push ups with high hands, the action essentials and precautions are the same as above.

For push ups with high feet, the action essentials and precautions are the same as above.

Push up with knee and hand landing: suitable for beginners and girls.