The standard movements of thin leg yoga

The standard movements of thin leg yoga

There are many kinds of thin leg methods, how to make the leg not thick? How to effectively thin leg? The following is the recommendation of strong thin leg method, let the leg not thick, let your thigh immediately thin. Want to have long legs, try thin leg yoga, let the calf is not thick, let your long legs appear immediately.

Half lotus spine twist

1. Sit and stand, legs straight forward, bending left leg on right thigh, feet up. 2. Exhale, extend the left arm forward, hold the right toe with the left hand, turn the upper body to the right, retract the right arm to the back, and hold the right hand to the left side of the waist. 3. Inhale, then exhale. At the same time, turn the head and upper torso to the right as far as possible, keep breathing naturally for 20 seconds, and change to the other side.

Triangular rotation method:

1. Stand naturally with your feet wide apart; inhale deeply, raise your arms parallel to the ground, straighten your knees, turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right, and turn your left foot 60 degrees.

2. Exhale, turn the upper body to the left, bend the trunk downward, and put the right hand between the feet; the right arm and the left arm are in a vertical line, and look at the fingertips of the left hand with both eyes.

3. Stretch your shoulders and scapulae for 10-30 seconds; inhale, first draw your hands, then your trunk, and finally your feet. Then change the direction. Note: both sides should keep the same time.

Practice of cat bow back

1. Kneel down, sit on the heel with the back buttocks, keep the upper body upright, put the hands on the legs naturally, and relax the shoulders and arms.

2. Raise your hips, kneel on your knees, and support the ground with your hands shoulder width.

3. Inhale, raise your head, collapse your waist and back, and lift your hips up. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

4. Exhale, head down, spine arched, back arched, hold for 5-10 seconds. Note: relax for 5 times.

Fish approach

1. Lie flat with legs straight and together.

2. Inhale, arch your back, lift your torso off the ground, top your chest, raise your head, and gently press your head against the ground.

3. Keep your arms straight and folded, and lift your feet off the ground at the same time.

Side angle stretching method

1. Stand facing forward, legs apart as far as possible, hands raised side to side, shoulder high, palms down. Open the right foot 90 degrees outward, retract the left foot 30 degrees, exhale, bend the right knee, parallel the thigh to the ground, and straighten the left knee.

2. Lower your right arm along the inside of your right leg and put your hand on the floor inside your feet. Turn your face up, extend your left arm to the front of your head, and stick your upper arm to the temple.

3. Hold for 30-60 seconds, breathe steadily, inhale, get up and repeat on the other side. Note: focus on stretching the back and spine; stretch the chest up and back, and finally make the chest, hip and arm form a straight line.

Meru Wakrasana 

Methods: 1. Sit and stand, legs straight; hands flat on the ground, slightly behind the hips, hands fingers outward, the left hand over the legs, put in front of the right hand.

2. Put the left foot on the outside of the right knee, extend the palm of the right hand further behind, inhale, and try to turn the head to the right, so as to twist the spine.

3. Hold your breath for several seconds; exhale and turn your trunk back to its original position; change the other side.

Note: do not bend the back.

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