Thin leg method how fast thin thigh?

Thin leg method how fast thin thigh?

Thin leg method, a simple and effective method of fast thin thigh. Try these methods, it's really good.

1 sit on the chair with your lower back close to the back of the chair, relax your shoulders and put your hands on your thighs.

Raise the left knee, bend the knee naturally, lower leg droop, don't exert, keep the body balanced.

3 thigh will feel acid slowly, wait until can't stand time to change lift right foot, left and right alternate.

4 other methods

i、 Cycling

1. Lie flat with legs bent up 45 degrees

ii. The legs are alternately extended forward and retracted

iii. Step forward and keep about 30-60 degrees off the ground for 5 minutes

This method can exercise thigh and waist, abdomen, that is to say these three places can reduce more fat

2、 Other sports

Stand at attention with your hands on both sides of your body. Bend your knees and touch your toes with your hands (remember not to use too much force). The trick is not to bend your back muscles, just bend your knees. Then gently return to the original position. This action takes about 3 seconds. At the beginning, do it three times in 10 seconds. After getting used to it, speed up

You can choose any of the above methods. Many people think that the second method is the most comprehensive, the first method is the most effective, and the third method has the highest technical content. Give it a try!

matters needing attention

This movement can be thin thighs and lower abdomen, usually watching TV can also do. But do not choose in the sofa, because the sofa is too soft, can not find a support point, but easy to hurt the spine.

Vitamin B group speed up

Vitamin B1 can transform sugar into energy, while B2 can speed up the innovation of fat. Taobao diet pills, eat more vitamin B rich food, weight loss products, such as mushrooms, sesame, tofu, peanuts, spinach and so on.

Eat less salt to reduce edema

Often eat salt food, easy to make the body accumulate too much water, edema, simple accumulation in the calf. Tea and rice should not only reduce the absorption of salt, but also eat more food containing potassium, because potassium helps to excrete the remaining salt in the body. Foods containing potassium include tomatoes, bananas, potatoes, celery and so on.