To reduce fat and shape, we must talk about it! Fast "off scale" can also decorate lines

To reduce fat and shape, we must talk about it! Fast "off scale" can also decorate lines

It's true that many women simply lose weight through some aerobic exercise, but the effect will be better if strength exercise is added.

Strength training is a problem that many women will ignore in the process of weight loss. They are worried about muscle growth and give up. What Xiao Bian wants to tell you today is that strength training plays a very important role for women in the period of weight loss.

Weight loss = aerobic training + strength training

Strength training refers to the body through the repetition of different loads of action, to complete the shaping of muscles and the excavation of strength, endurance, explosive power and other characteristics.

The essence of reducing fat is to make your body appear "caloric difference", and increase your energy consumption while appropriately reducing your intake, which is commonly known as "keep your mouth shut and keep your legs open".

If you want to reduce fat effectively, you must have strength training

On the one hand, strength training can improve your basic metabolism (in short, it can make your body consume more energy in daily state, as long as your muscle mass reaches a certain level, you will lose weight without hard dieting); on the other hand, strength training can make your body more "sense of line" through muscle growth.

That's the beauty of strength training. Although aerobic exercise can help you lose weight or "lose weight" quickly, strength training can make you have a tighter figure, correct your posture, and optimize your power mode. Therefore, girls, don't think that only boys need iron lifting and strength training. If you want to be symmetrical, strength training must be an unavoidable item on your training road; and for friends who want to lose weight, after a lot of strength training, you will continue to consume extra calories in the next few hours or even days to improve the new metabolic level.

As your muscle mass increases, your metabolism will also increase faster and faster, which will help you burn more calories every day. Generally speaking, for every extra pound of muscle, you can burn 35 to 50 more calories a day. Even the simplest strength training can affect fat oxidation and energy consumption.

As a good way to relieve stress, the researchers also found that those who often do strength training tend to be better able to vent and relieve stress. They are more resistant to stress than those who don't exercise.

Benefits of strength training

Build up

Research shows that moderate strength training can improve women's muscle strength by 30-50%. The enhancement of strength will not only make it easier for women to complete some daily work (such as taking care of children or going shopping), but also make people full of energy and vitality.

Adding muscle helps to lose weight

With the increase of muscle strength training, the metabolic rate of the body in static state will gradually increase, so you will consume more calories every day. The study found that every pound of muscle added to the body consumes 35-50 kcal more per day. For example, if you gain 3 pounds of muscle and consume 40 kcal more per pound, you will consume 120 kcal more per day, that is, about 3600 kcal more per month, which is equivalent to losing 10-12 pounds of fat in a year.

Enhance competitive ability

Strength training can enhance the competitive ability of athletes, so no matter what sports you choose, it is best to add muscle strength training, because this exercise method can not only improve your sports level, but also reduce the risk of injury.