The most simple and effective way to thin face

The most simple and effective way to thin face

Often look in the mirror that their face is not good-looking, especially envy other people's small V face. Smacking face is the dream of many girls, but not all of them have smacking face. Therefore, many fat face beauties want to know how to slim face the fastest and most effective. Today we will teach you how to eliminate the excess fat and edema on the face, easily get rid of the trouble of fat, and become an enviable little face beauty.

1. massage in the morning

Massage the swollen place by using the fingertip of index finger, ring finger and middle finger in the morning, gently from the corner of mouth to the temple, and massage the swelling place by means of light pressure and circle. Can eliminate overnight edema, promote facial lymph detoxification! Pay attention to moderate strength, do not use too much force to cause facial skin damage so that there will be wrinkles Oh!

2. facial movement

When sitting at home and doing nothing, don't eat snacks on TV. If you want to watch TV, you can find an empty mineral water bottle. You can also slim your face by suction and breath, and make your cheek muscles move! Do face movement in the mirror without watching TV. Sometimes grinning can help to slim your face. It is a good face movement to make "ah", "house", "one" in front of the mirror, or spit out your tongue and keep your jaw motionless for a few seconds.

3. oral massage

Oral massage can soften stiff facial muscles. The mouth "ah -" opens, the right hand naturally clenches the fist, extends the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger, respectively from the inside and outside side to the side face. Press the thumb on the inside of the mouth, gently wipe with 3 fingers from the top to the bottom, then gently wipe from the corner of the mouth along the profile of the side face to the top of the slope, and push each other between the left and right. Insist on oral massage can also avoid the appearance of the statutory pattern! Let you not only have small V face but also the face of inverse growth!

4. wash thin face

The thin face can be bathed because hot water bath can make the body sweat a lot, including the face, so that swelling can be eliminated. Shower will be better than bubble bath, because it is not suitable for long time to soak in high temperature bubble bath. Only when cleaning face, you can use hot water and then cold water to clean, so that the face blood circulation can be stimulated by the alternation of cold and hot. This cleaning method can make the skin elastic and free of fat and make the skin more compact.

5. face correction D.I.Y

The cheek Gang is too big, which makes many people feel bitter. There are many thin face tools like the hair hoops worn during sports. After washing the face, they are worn between the chin and the head, so that their face and jaw are tight. Over time, it will help to reduce the face shape and correct it. Usually watch TV, you can try it when you don't go out at home, but don't do it when you sleep. Sleeping is the golden time for beauty. It is the most important thing to sleep comfortably and freely.

6. strike a thin face

Tap on a thin face to buy a massage mallet, or a lot of small tools for skinny faces. Tap gently in the flesh on your chin. Remember to apply olive oil for skin care to reduce friction before beating. In the Internet, watching TV and other free time to knock a dozen minutes, to insist on do Oh! The aim is to make the muscles slightly stimulated, leading to atrophy, which can help reduce facial fat. Pay attention to cleaning after each knock.

7. Yoga thin face

Yoga thin face can make the face skin firm and elastic. Yoga also has good effects on improving facial lines, removing wrinkles and double chin.

i. Press the finger abdomen on both sides of the head, massage several times with the method of drawing circle. This improves the facial line.

II. Gently clench your hands, and place the second joint of your fist under the cheekbones on your cheek, push the flesh on your face up and repeat it three times.

III. press the eyebrow with your thumb to reduce intraocular pressure.

IV. raise your head to the maximum extent, extend your tongue, keep this action for 5 seconds, repeat practice 3 times, and eliminate your double chin.

8. lateral lifting and kneading

Put your hands on the face, gently lift and pinch the inside and outside of your fingers and abdomen, and practice the movement repeatedly until the face is slightly red and hot.

This movement makes the faces thinner for MM people, it can accelerate fat burning, accelerate the circulation of facial lymph, and you can easily become a skinny beauty after practice. You can also use it on your chin to get a double jaw!

9. tilt your head

Stand upright, straighten your waist, and fork your hands. Use the body's strength to tilt the upper body back, while the head is tilted back with the potential. Hold the posture for a moment and slowly return to the original position, and practice the movement repeatedly until the body feels tired. You can also go to the neck pattern!

This exercise can make your body exercise, and you can keep away from your chin, and lose weight easily.

10. watermelon facial mask

Watermelon mask is to squeeze watermelon juice, and then mask the paper soaked in watermelon juice for 5 minutes, take out the face, it can effectively compact skin, so that the swelling of the face to restore compact. It's a good thing to do immediately. It's cool. You don't have to be afraid of cold weather. Many master in the winter recommend that the mask should be slightly heated before applying it to better promote absorption. Watermelon mask can also be tried.