What food to eat to lose weight the fastest

What food to eat to lose weight the fastest

1. Cucumber

Cucumber is a famous diet saint, many girls love to eat. Cucumber is characterized by high water content, low heat, less sugar and rich fiber. Plus cucumber taste light, can go to greasy, clear stomach, weight loss effect is even more. Cucumbers also contain something called propanol acetic acid, which can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

Cucumber also has the function of reducing fat, promoting digestion, diuresis, removing moisture and detoxification, which is very important for weight loss. But long-term eating cucumber is not conducive to health, will cause malnutrition. Cucumber weight loss eating methods are raw, cold, fried.

2. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are ripe in winter. Many people like to eat them steamed or porridge. Sweet potato is helpful to health, is a good health food, its weight loss effect is also excellent.

One is the high content of crude fiber in sweet potato, which is characterized by large volume and low energy density, which increases people's satiety and reduces heat absorption.

Secondly, sweet potato has low protein content, low fat content and low calorie, which meets the requirements of weight loss food. Finally, it should be noted that the sweet potato must be steamed and boiled, and must not be fried, because the oil absorption effect of sweet potato is very strong.

3. Oats

Oats are recommended for breakfast, because oats are a good slimming food. The biggest characteristic is to endure hunger and reduce blood fat. Oat is a high carbohydrate food, and belongs to the compound type of carbon water, this sense of satiety is very strong, but also more durable. One of the functions of oats is to reduce fat and accelerate the decomposition of fat.

4. Tomato

A lot of diet in the most indispensable ingredient is tomato, tomato weight loss effect is very good, some small tomatoes are also the favorite of weight loss beauty. Because tomatoes are low in calories, high in moisture, rich in fiber and a variety of vitamins, balanced nutrition.

But this is not the most important, the final point is that fresh tomatoes can reduce the accumulation of fat, reduce edema, but also alleviate fatigue.

5. Wax gourd

Wax gourd is very liposuction, but also very diuretic. In addition, wax gourd is rich in propanedioic acid, which can effectively inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat, and wax gourd is a completely fat free food. Another point is also very diuretic, it is suitable for fat people with edema. Recommend a white gourd red bean soup, is the secret recipe to lose weight. First boil red beans, then add sliced wax gourd, cook for an hour, drink several times a week, to help lose weight.

6. Beef jerky

Beef jerky as a weight loss snack is a good choice, because it belongs to high protein food, so it is very anti hungry, eat a piece of beef jerky is very easy to be full, not easy to be hungry. During weight loss, it's a better choice than biscuits, bread and chocolate.

7. Blueberry

Blueberry is also the favorite of many weight loss and fitness experts, known as the new favorite of promoting metabolism. Blueberry low calorie, vitamin C content than the general fruit are high, and it is easy to be digested by the body, but also liposuction, it is suitable for eating during weight loss.

8. Fish

Among the favorite ingredients of fitness experts, fish is in the top three. It is rich in protein and is a good food for increasing satiety and muscle. It has always been said that no matter how much fish you eat, you are not afraid to be fat. In addition, fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids for reducing blood lipid has unexpected effect.