Why does white hair grow out?

What is the reason for long white hair? What is the lack of long white hair? Long white hair generally appears in the elderly, but around us we can often see some young people also have a lot of white hair. So what's the reason for long white hair? What vitamin does white hair add? Let's have a look.

What is the reason for long white hair

Under normal circumstances, there are abundant blood vessels in the dermal papilla, which provide sufficient nutrition for the dermal papilla and the hair bulb, and melanin granules can be synthesized smoothly. When the formation of melanin particles in the hair papilla and hair bulb is obstructed, or although they are formed, they cannot be transported to the hair due to some factors, so that the melanin particles in the medulla and cortex of the hair are reduced and disappeared, white hair will appear.

White hair refers to the total or partial whiteness of hair, which can be divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital white hair often has a family history, with localized white hair more common, more common in the anterior hairline. There are two kinds of acquired white hair: Senile white hair and juvenile white hair. Some of them are old and weak with few white hair. Juvenile white hair occurs in children and adolescents, often with family history, in addition to the increase in white hair, does not affect health. The sudden occurrence of white hair in youth, some related to nutritional disorders.

In general, lack of nutrition, long-term mental stress and lack of sunshine can also make hair white. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that white hair is caused by kidney yin deficiency, and the weakening of kidney function leads to the slowing down of body metabolism function. Therefore, the treatment of white hair should first supplement kidney yin and regulate fundamentally. In addition, some skin diseases such as vitiligo can also cause white hair. Normal people generally begin to have white hair at the age of 35. If they appear early, it's best to go for treatment. It is difficult to cure the congenital white hair, but the acquired white hair can be improved after treatment.

In addition, there are many diseases that can lead to the early appearance of white hair. Therefore, if white hair is born early, we must not ignore it. The diseases that lead to white hair now include endocrine disorders such as pituitary dysfunction and hyperthyroidism, consumptive diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever and pernicious anemia, and autonomic nerve dysfunction. They are all diseases related to the change of hair from black to white .

What is the lack of long white hair

If the lack of nutrients will also cause the growth of white hair, hair growth needs nutrition. Different people have different hair colors. White people's hair color is golden, brown people's hair color is red and black, we yellow people, because the hair pigment particles contain copper, diamond, iron, so it is brown and black, if the diet in the long-term lack of copper, cobalt, iron these inorganic salts, will naturally affect the synthesis of melanin, make the hair from black to white. In addition, according to medical clinical observation, if the body lacks protein, vegetable oil, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B6 for a long time, it will also lead to hair turning from black to white.

In addition, if a person's excessive mental tension, anxiety, severe mental trauma and headache can make the body nervous dysfunction, hair dystrophy and white hair.

Experts remind that white hair symptoms must be treated in time, if not in time, it will cause health losses, and have a bad impact on the heart.