Short hair girls must remember how long hair can last

Short hair girls must remember how long hair can last

For girls, whether the hair is beautiful or not will directly affect a person's appearance. However, not everyone has long, soft hair. Therefore, many girls will choose to receive their hair. How long can they maintain their hair?

Although short hair is popular now, I still want to make my hair longer after a long time. However, our hair has a growth cycle, therefore, the general hair after two or three months are needed to re connect, otherwise, with the arrival of hair loss period, your hair will fall off. Therefore, a more objective point of view, then the hair can generally adhere to two or three months. If you feel uncomfortable after taking your hair, you will keep it for a shorter time.

Generally speaking, your hair needs to be maintained. Otherwise, its service life will be shortened a lot. How do we maintain it? First of all, when washing your hair, you should pay attention not to be too rude and gentle. Otherwise, it's easy to grasp your hair. In addition, you should use hair conditioner to maintain your hair, because your hair is connected Are relatively dry, try to maintain their hair. Also, try to use a big toothed comb when combing your hair.

The above is about how to extend the service life of hair, so many girls may ask, do not use hair technology on its use time will have an impact? Of course, compared with the general hair technology, traceless hair is relatively better, because its interface is relatively small, usually maintenance is also more convenient, make it easy to use Naturally, it takes a little longer.

Although hairdressing can help girls change their hairstyles quickly, for the sake of their health, it is suggested that girls should let their hair grow naturally. Although the growth cycle is slower, the stimulation to their scalp should be less.