Beat back baby fat and double chin

Ladies who want to lose face quickly, let's share seven ways to exercise facial muscles to help you lose face effectively!

warming up 

Before you start, warm up your face muscles. Slowly move the jaw back and forth, then left and right, repeat 8-10 times.

1. Goldfish mouth

Inhale deeply with your mouth until your face bulges, then gently press your cheeks with both hands to feel the tight muscles. Hold for 3-5 seconds, exhale slowly and then do 5-6 times.

2. Tighten your face

Turn your head to the left and extend your chin forward. You should feel the tension of your neck at the moment; Then turn your head to the right, 5 times on each side. This group of movements can lift the face and make the lines clearer.

3. Scoop water with your chin

Open your lips and press your tongue against your lower teeth. Draw a circle around the mouth and close the mouth. The action is similar to bailing water with the chin. Repeat 5-7 times.

4. Control the force with force

Clench your hands and place them under your chin. Close your mouth, slowly press your chin down (with increasing force), and then use your fists to resist the pressure. Hold for 3 seconds and repeat 5-7 times.

5. Touch your nose

Besides fat accumulation, the formation of double chin is also related to weakness of hyoid muscle!

Gently lift your chin with one hand, lift your tongue as high as you can, and target your nose. This is an effective way to train hyoid muscles. Remember to keep your lips relaxed. Repeat 5 times.

6. Kiss Giraffe

Raise your head, look directly at the ceiling, chin slightly forward, and then tuck your lips up.

It's a bit like kissing a giraffe. You can imagine that you are asking for a kiss from your 1.9-meter-old boyfriend~

If the posture is correct, the neck will feel taut. Maintain the movement for 5-8 seconds and repeat it five times.

7. Smile

Bite your teeth and open the corners of your mouth. Then use your tongue to support your hard jaw. Slowly increase your strength. If you feel your chin taut, that's the right thing to do. Maintain the movement for 5 seconds, relax for 3 seconds, and then repeat 5-8 times.

If you want to fight back the stubborn baby fat or double chin, you might as well try the above seven moves!