Winter face is easy fat, how should reduce?

Winter is a season easy to get fat, and it is easy to lack of Qi and blood, so the face becomes round.

In winter, when the temperature is low, the body instinctively hoards fat to keep warm, and the face is exposed. If the face becomes very fat in winter, it may be that the face is a little puffy due to the cold weather and strong wind in winter. Moreover, the body has the function of defense and protection, and it will automatically adjust the stored energy, This will increase fat.

In addition, there may be a lack of Qi and blood. Once a woman has a lack of Qi and blood, it will make Qi and blood run sluggishly. This will make the metabolism of the human body very slow. If the metabolism is sluggish, it will make the toxins in the human body difficult to be discharged from the body. The toxins are accumulating more and more in the body. With the increase of these garbage toxins, the human body becomes fatter and fatter.

How does face become round in winter thin

Thin face food

Winter is not suitable for dieting to lose weight, so if you want to lose face in winter, you can eat some food to help lose face, such as carrots, spinach and so on. Carotene contained in carrot has antioxidant effect, which can stimulate skin metabolism and strengthen blood circulation. It can not only improve skin texture, make skin tender and smooth, but also help facial fat burning, play a role in beauty and detumescence. Spinach contains potassium element can help eliminate facial edema, has the effect of "thin face".

Drink plenty of water

As long as you don't drink water before going to bed, it won't cause facial edema, but it helps to lose weight, but many people don't like to drink water in winter. At least 800 ml of water should be drunk every day, and drinking an appropriate amount of water is one of the effective ways to help the face eliminate swelling. If you don't like to drink cup after cup of plain water every day, you can add a little lemon slice or lemon juice to the water; If you use coffee, tea, soda or fruit juice instead of water, its rehydration effect can not be equal to 800ml of water, and it may also bring you unplanned calories.

Hot towel for face dressing

Applying hot towel to face can promote blood circulation and tighten skin. After washing face in the morning and evening, gently pat or tap the face with both hands until the cheek is slightly red. This method can not only promote the blood circulation of the face, make the face ruddy, but also achieve the effect of tightening the face and highlighting the contour. Before going to bed at night, apply a hot towel on the masseter muscle for 5 minutes. If you stick to it for two or three months, you will see the effect. This method does not cost money, as long as you persevere, it is worth trying.

Sports face

If you want to lose weight in winter, you also need exercise. The effect of exercise is omni-directional. If your face is really "swollen", a lot of perspiration after strenuous exercise can help the water to be quickly discharged from the body. In addition, we can also do some small facial movements for thin face. For example, the tongue tip traction method is also a good way to thin face. The main point of the movement is that we slowly look up at the sky. At this time, you should open your mouth, and your tongue tip should stand up for 10 seconds. Then we need to take back our tongue, close our mouth, and lower our head. This action is repeated 10 times, The fat on the jaw soon disappeared.