The most effective way to reduce arm is to point and thin arm

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the light summer clothes are about to be put on.If your arms and legs are too strong,it will affect your personal image. Take a look at the most effective way to reduce the arm, point thin arm method to quickly create slender jade arm.

1. Massage Lymph

Stretch one hand up and press the muscle of the arm with the other hand. In 20 seconds, while exhaling, press and pinch in 5 areas as shown on the way.

2. Massage underarm

Strengthen the burning of fat on the inside of the arm, gently pinch the armpit with finger pulp, and keep the speed and strength of pressing within 10 seconds.

3. Massage arm joints

Keep the arm bent, hold the elbow with the other hand, and massage the palm down the joint to the armpit.

4. Massage the base of little finger

Inhale evenly, keep your hands and arms straight, close to your ears, and massage the base of your little finger for 5 seconds.

5. Massage Sanli point

Put down the arm, massage from the outside to the elbow, and finally press the Sanli point on the inside of the elbow for 15 seconds.

6. Lateral arm massage

Bend the arm slightly, pinch the lateral muscle of the arm with the other hand and repeat 10 times.

7. Massage the arm outside the joint

Keep the arm bent, hold the elbow joint on the outside of the arm with the other hand, and massage the palm upward from the joint.

8. Massage the back shoulder

Finally, massage the back shoulder with the abdomen of index finger, middle finger and ring finger.

The key of this set of meridian massage thin arm exercise is to master the accurate acupoints, massage at the same time to promote blood circulation, eliminate arm edema!