Four principles of international standard dance

Four principles of international standard dance

International standard dance includes modern and Latin. Modern includes five kinds of dances, such as waltz, tango, Foxtrot and trot. Latin includes samba, rumba, bullfight, Chacha and cowboy. These two dances are similar.

For beginners, early learning is the key to learn the national standard dance well. In the whole learning process, this period is the practice stage of basic skills. Based on years of practice and teaching experience, Xiao Bian summed up the "four principles" for learning international standard dance

1. Master the basic steps. (this is the foundation of learning)

2. Learn to count the music beats and master the rhythm changes; in other words, have a sense of music. This is a necessary condition for study

3. Make sure of the foot shape. (this is the key to learning)

4. Practice the decomposition of each part until you are proficient. (this is an important means to draw inferences from one instance)

In the process of learning, it is worth noting that many practitioners are too eager for success, and ignore the basic concepts of each dance category. They think that as long as they can master the dance steps skillfully, they will be successful. In fact, it only takes a quarter or a fifth of the time to master a dance in the whole learning process. It's not difficult to learn a dance, but it's very difficult to reach the top. On the other hand, some people tend to pay too much attention to the study of written knowledge, while the content of some books is more dogmatic and lack of practical process, which is the taboo of learning dance.

In primitive society, international standard dance is not only a way of social communication, but also a kind of human instinct. It is a beautiful dance that combines the primitive movements with the music and then arranges and designs them.

If you want to dance well, there are many basic factors that you must master, from the basic physical and mental integration, the development and transmission of the body, the specification of the basic dance steps, the correctness of the music beat, the interpretation of the music artistic conception, the skills of coordination and interaction with the partners, the input and transmission of feelings, to the artistic conception of the choreographer.

Because of the limitation of space, this article simply puts forward some experience and feelings that I have encountered in teaching standard dance, and I would like to discuss with my predecessors and colleagues.

How to do international standard dance well? International standard dance is the vitality of human soul and the expression of extreme emotion. If you want to learn international standard dance well, you must pay attention to "four Qi", "four Dao" and trilogy.