How about the weight loss effect of pull-up? It works! Three variants of learning

Pull up, the man did all the action, don't say girls, but if Xiaobian told you, this action is very weight loss, do you still think it is difficult?

Although it is difficult to pull up, the effect of weight loss is obvious. Pull up is a good way to train the core strength of the body, especially the upper limb strength.

Pull up can be divided into forehand, backhand, forehand and backhand, parallel, chest, neck, weight-bearing, towel, one hand, one arm, one finger and other types of pull-up.

A good way to lose weight, the right to make the pull-up, the following gives the specific approach.

1. Forehand pull up.

Palm facing forward. The biceps brachii muscle exerts less and the back exerts more. It's more difficult. Mainly exercise back muscles.

2. Backhand pull up.

Palm to yourself. The biceps is more powerful. It's less difficult. Main exercise biceps brachii and back muscles.

3. Other pull-up movements are: palm opposite, thumb and four fingers on one side, towel pull-up, thick bar pull-up, positive and negative grip pull-up, horizontal pull-up, swing pull-up, etc.

How often do you exercise?

1. When your ability is high, don't get carried away. It is recommended to do 10 exercises twice a week in group X2, but rest for at least 24-36 hours.

2. As with all strength training, put the rest time before the time when danger may arise.

3. Obviously, the fat on your stomach may be a hindrance to your pull-up. The fatter you are, the harder it is to lose weight. So if you still want to see the results of your pull-up, eat less. Not only that, but also do more aerobic exercise.

In your pull-in exercise, when you can't get up to five in the last few groups, let your family or friends hold your ankles to help you reach 10, which can not only make your muscles get the most efficient exercise, but also enhance your self-confidence. It's important to note that the helper just holds you up. Don't push you up.

If you already have about 5 foundations, it is not a problem to increase them to 10 in a short time, because the skill of pull-out is more important than the strength. First of all, we should have confidence in ourselves. Second, we should be willing to practice steadfastly. Of course, it is important to find the trick and get twice the result with half the effort!