How can muscle exercise be done?

How can muscle exercise be done?

Muscle exercise, in the hot summer, showing bronze muscles can always give people the beauty of health and strength. Everyone who loves health and beauty is pursuing strong muscles. Today I would like to share with you how to exercise and build muscles.

The choice of exercise time

1 morning period: after getting up, eat some digestible food (such as 1 skim bread, 1 chicken protein) and a little milk, and then do morning exercise half an hour to an hour later.

Morning session: exercise after breakfast for an hour and a half.

3 afternoon: exercise two hours after lunch or two hours before dinner, and eat a little digestible food half an hour to an hour before exercise.

Evening time: one and a half hours after dinner and the end time of exercise must be one hour before going to bed.

Make a training plan

According to the different parts and goals of muscle training, we should make a practical training plan.

Each part of the training to group training (how to group according to the person), each group should do their best, to achieve high strength, low frequency, only in this way can the muscle growth, at the same time, the rest between groups should be sufficient, generally recommended 6 days after exercise rest for a day, in order to achieve relaxation, step by step.


Warm up exercise about 10 minutes can make the body slightly sweating.

Tips: you can choose rope skipping, running, climbing stairs, squatting and standing as warm-up activities.

Formal training

Through the basic exercise of back, shoulder, arm and leg, it is suggested to use barbell, dumbbell and other commonly used equipment to mobilize the muscles of the whole body.

2. Pectoralis major muscle training: lie down on the fitness stool, hold barbell in both hands for pushing or dumbbell in both hands for chest expansion.

Common methods: horizontal push, inclined plate horizontal push, dumbbell chest expansion

Latissimus dorsi training: holding the horizontal bar with both hands, stretching both arms and pulling up can effectively exercise the back muscles, and you can also do rowing through the gym equipment to exercise the back muscles.

Common methods: pull up, rowing practice

4. Shoulder deltoid muscle training: using dumbbell or barbell to push the shoulder or neck back can effectively exercise the shoulder, deltoid muscle middle bundle and deltoid muscle back bundle.

Common methods: neck back press, shoulder press, front flat press, side flat press

Biceps training: the most effective biceps training method is to hold dumbbell in both hands and do double arm flexion and extension repeatedly

Common methods: barbell, dumbbell bending, chest down, arms flexion and extension

6 leg muscle training: holding head with both hands or squatting with heavy load can effectively exercise leg muscles, especially calf muscles.

Common methods: squat, stretch legs

Diet choice for training

Breakfast: soybean milk, milk, vitamin C tablets, eggs.

Dinner: eat more protein containing things, such as eggs, fish, hazelnut, beef, chicken breast, milk, bananas, lean meat, soybeans, peanuts, mutton, etc. don't eat too greasy food, you can eat some coarse grains appropriately.

Drink another cup of skim milk before going to bed to help you sleep.

Reasonable food matching

You can choose potatoes and oatmeal (oatmeal should be pure oatmeal);

Vegetables can choose sweet potato, tomato, cucumber, and spinach to increase amino acids.

Fruits can choose bananas, because the body loses potassium with sweat after fitness, and bananas are rich in potassium, which can supplement the missing elements.