Diet low calorie list

Diet low calorie list

Weight loss food, low calorie food has been the key to successful weight loss, in the hot summer, how to choose low calorie weight loss food? Here is to reveal the summer common food calorie ranking!


Weight loss food calories: 12 kcal (100g edible part)

Celery is rich in crude fiber, potassium, vitamin B2, vitamin (also known as nicotinic acid) and other ingredients. The summer weather is hot, people are easy to catch fire, resulting in dry stool. At the same time, when the weather is hot, people lose more water, which is easy to cause the imbalance of sodium and potassium. Celery can help people to moisten the intestines and defecate, and regulate the balance of sodium and potassium. Celery leaves contain more nutrients than stems. It's a pity to discard them. You can blanch them and eat them with cold sauce.


Weight loss food calories: 15 kcal (100g edible part)

Cucumber contains vitamin C, vitamin B family and many trace minerals, it contains rich nutrients, raw taste crisp and refreshing. From the perspective of nutrition, cucumber skin is rich in nutrients and should be eaten raw.

Tips: however, to prevent the harm of pesticide residues to human body, cucumber should be soaked in salt water for 15-20 minutes before being washed and eaten raw. When soaking cucumber with salt water, do not pinch the head to remove the root, but keep the cucumber intact, so as to avoid the loss of nutrients from the section in the process of soaking. In addition, cold dishes should be ready to eat, do not do a long time after the storage, this will also promote the loss of vitamins.

Chinese Cabbage

Weight loss food calories: 17 kcal (100g edible part)

The content of dietary fiber and vitamin A in Chinese cabbage is high. Eating fresh Chinese cabbage in summer is good for eye protection and beauty. However, don't eat Chinese cabbage that has been stored for too long and lost too much nutrients. In addition, people with peptic ulcer should not eat Chinese cabbage raw to avoid the scratch of crude fiber on gastrointestinal wound.

mungbean sprout

Weight loss food calories: 18 kcal (100g)

It can clear the accumulation of cholesterol and fat in blood vessel wall and prevent cardiovascular disease. Mung bean sprouts can clear away heat and toxin, diuresis and dehumidification, and detoxify alcohol and heat. If you often eat mung bean sprouts, you can clear your stomach, relieve heat and poison, clean your teeth, and prevent fat from forming under the skin.

Bamboo shoots

Weight loss food calories: 19 kcal (100g edible part)

Bamboo shoots have the characteristics of low fat, low sugar and multi fiber. Eating bamboo shoots can not only promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, eliminate food accumulation, prevent constipation, but also prevent colorectal cancer. Bamboo shoots contain little fat and starch, which is a natural low fat and low calorie food


Weight loss food calories: 19 kcal (100g edible part)

Tomato is rich in vitamin A. vitamin A is good for vision protection and skin repair after sun exposure. Tomato salad without sugar better, otherwise sweet may affect appetite. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension patients should not eat the so-called "Xueman Huoyanshan" sugar cold tomato.