How to do aerobic to lose weight quickly? Listen to seven words, it's easier to lose meat

All know that aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight, so how to do aerobic exercise can achieve the best weight loss effect?

Aerobic exercise is the valve in your body's fat bank, which regulates your calorie balance, improves your health and gives you a better looking figure.

The reason why aerobic exercise is most beneficial to weight loss

1. accelerate metabolism

Aerobic exercise refers to exercise in aerobic metabolism, exercise for a long time (endurance exercise), which can make the heart (blood circulation system) and lung (respiratory system) get full and effective stimulation, improve the heart and lung function, so that all tissues and organs of the whole body can get good oxygen and nutrition supply, improve metabolism, accelerate digestion and consume heat.

2. exercise will increase adrenaline secretion in human body

Generally, exercise will increase the adrenaline secretion of human body, thus promoting fat combustion: when short-term exercise produces fatigue, lipase and glucose in liver and fat tissue will be activated, muscle glycogen decomposition, renal hormones accelerate heart rate, accelerate blood circulation, relax nasal cavity, gastrointestinal blood vessels, accelerate detoxification, accelerate fat combustion and release heat.

3. aerobic exercise can increase the "good" cholesterol in the human body

Regular aerobic exercise can increase the content of "good" cholesterol, high density lipoprotein in human body. High density lipoprotein in human body can transport blood lipid in blood vessels to liver for treatment, commonly known as "good" cholesterol. The researchers found that people who were engaged in aerobic exercise increased HDL by 2.53 mg per 0.1 liter of blood on average; The minimum amount of exercise that can make HDL change is 2 hours a week or equivalent to the amount of exercise that can consume 900 calories; For the fatter, aerobic exercise has a particularly significant effect on increasing its "good" cholesterol.

Best time to lose fat

Do you know when to do aerobic training to achieve the best burning effect? Two times of the day are the best time to do aerobic exercise - morning and after weight-bearing training.

In the morning, your body is in a state of burning fat for overnight consumption. Aerobic training during this period of the day can help adjust your body's full day rhythm (the clock inside the body), which helps you sleep better, recover better, eliminate stress better and feel good all day.

And it's not a good choice to have more systematic training in the morning. Compared with evening, you will find that the overall decline is particularly high, so low intensity aerobic exercise is better in the morning.

To keep muscles growing and fat decreasing, try to do three aerobic training programs a week and make sure you don't have more than 2 hours of aerobic training a week.

In order to minimize the boredom of aerobic training and burn fat efficiently, in the aerobic way you choose, increase the aerobic way. Small knitting likes rope jumping, double swing (high efficiency), burpe (challenging), boxing, usually I will arrange several aerobic ways together and carry out alternately.


1. do at least 3 times a week (increase according to personal goals), and conduct aerobic training for at least 30 minutes (up to 40 minutes) each time.

2. if you feel too boring about a single and continuous aerobic training, divide it into shorter segments.

3. this is the best time to do aerobic training in the morning or at the end of the load training.

4. don't ignore outdoor sports and sports that need to be fully involved.

5. HIIT keeps your metabolism at a high rate, but only if you really do the intensity.

6. aerobic does not need to be carried out continuously, and the effect will be good in different periods of time or different sports modes.

7. diet is the most important factor in fat reduction!