How to do with meat all over the waist? Small waist essence is so stealthily thin

A lot of people grow meat on their fat waists. A few swimming circles pile up and become bucket waists. There is no curve in clothes, which leads to that nothing looks good. There are also some pregnant mothers, after giving birth to a child, the stomach will not go down, will also become a bucket waist. What's the way to be skinny? In fact, pay attention to diet and exercise can do Oh!

1、 Diet

1. Use boiled water instead of drink

Boiled water does not contain calories, and drinking more water can also produce a sense of satiety, reduce diet. Drink a cup of cold water, stomach still have to consume heat to make water hot, can help burn off the heat in the body. Get up in the morning, drink a cup of warm water, can help Runchang defecation, to the stomach to a cleaning, because the food accumulation of the stomach will naturally go down. As for lunch time, drinking a cup of boiled water can produce a sense of fullness, reduce the amount of lunch, and then reduce the absorption of heat. Eating while drinking water, chewing slowly, slow down the speed of eating, satiety can appear faster. At dinner, you can eat some vegetables and protein, and then drink a glass of water to reduce the intake of carbohydrates and sugar. In addition to the drink can not drink, beer and some spirits also do not touch, drink too much will become beer belly.

2. Eat more beans and berries

Beans and berries are high fiber food. High fiber food can not only reduce the intake of other food, but also enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, and will not cause abdominal fat accumulation, forming a bucket waist. Pumpkin is also a good product to reduce belly fat. Autumn and winter is a good time to eat pumpkin. Pumpkin can not only reduce the fat, but also strengthen the spleen and lungs, diuresis and eliminate edema. Bean curd is the first choice for beans. There are many ways to eat bean curd. Dried bean curd, bean curd skin and oily bean curd are not only high in protein, but also good for weight loss.

2、 Sports

1. Cycling

Cycling seems to exercise the leg muscles, but it also exercises the abdomen. It's not a lie to keep fit by cycling, but it depends on the correct riding method and persistence. When riding a bicycle, standing up and riding will exercise the abdominal and waist muscles. If you want to thin your legs, you can use the toes to step on the pedal to thin your legs, and use the heels to step on the hips.

2. Straight row wheel shoes

Straight row wheel shoes are now very popular, a large part of the reason is that it burns heat quickly, and can soon become thin legs and waist. But it's not a simple thing to learn first and then insist on. Straight row roller skating can exercise many parts of the body, arms, legs, waist, abdomen can exercise, exercise weight loss effect is remarkable. When roller skating, it is best to wear protective gear to ensure that the body will not be injured due to falling. If you want to reduce the belly fat, you can appropriately increase the strength of the waist rotation, swing your arms, adhere to two months, the waist and legs will become very slim.

To lose weight, in fact, it can be done by diet and exercise, which is also the healthiest way. Don't listen to some weight loss drugs on the market. Stick to exercise and eat healthily. It's not a problem to lose weight.