How to reduce the meat on both sides of the face?

Turn your lips to the right for 10 seconds, then to the left for the same 10 seconds. Turn both sides for more than 3 times. At the beginning, if you are not used to it, you may as well turn left and right together with your eyes. This small action can strengthen the muscles of the cheek and corner of the mouth, and help the chubby little cheek to disappear quickly.

How thin the cheek bone on both sides of the face

The reason for large gills is mostly due to more meat. Of course, if the bones are longer and more prominent, thin face will not help. But as long as it's not a bone problem, you can make your face smaller by reducing your face.

Turn your lips to the right for 10 seconds, then to the left for the same 10 seconds. Turn both sides for more than 3 times. At the beginning, if you are not used to it, you may as well turn left and right together with your eyes. This small action can strengthen the muscles of the cheek and corner of the mouth, and help the chubby little cheek to disappear quickly.

How to thin the cheek bone

Method 1: the lion bares his teeth, looks straight ahead, puts his hands on both sides of his cheek, and imagines that he is a little lion. Chin slightly downward, the corner of the mouth to the outside, action lasts about 10 seconds, repeat more than 5 times. Lion expression promotes the expansion of the whole cheek muscle, which is very effective to eliminate the cheek weight caused by gravity.

Method 2: shout "ah" in front of the mirror, open your mouth with the word "ah", keep your chin down for about 10 seconds, and repeat the action three times. This position can exercise jaw and cheek muscles well.

Method 3: turn your lips to the right for 10 seconds, then to the left for the same 10 seconds. Turn both sides for more than 3 times. At the beginning, if you are not used to it, you may as well turn left and right together with your eyes. This small action can strengthen the muscles of the cheek and corner of the mouth, and help the chubby little cheek to disappear quickly.

Method 4: the corners of the mouth should be moved easily, the shoulders should be put flat, the lips should be closed gently, and then the corners of the mouth should be slightly pushed to both sides. Then open your mouth to show your teeth, bite your teeth, and let the labial muscles exert a little force for about 10 seconds. Repeat this for more than 5 times. This movement can adjust the occlusion of teeth, so that the muscles that can't chew at ordinary times also have the opportunity to participate in metabolism.

Method 5: pretend to chew your hands, put your palms close to your cheek, then open your mouth and massage gently for 10 times. After relaxing, open your mouth and pretend to chew food. Repeat 10 times. This can be adjusted due to improper diet posture caused by the uneven face.