Edema leg how thin thin thin leg eliminate edema full set of massage help you thin into chopsticks leg

Edema caused by small thick legs in the morning will be very thin, and at noon or in the evening will appear swelling, you can also in the afternoon with a quick hand massage leg, see the speed of muscle rebound, rebound fast is not edema, slow is edema phenomenon. So, how thin is the leg?

A complete set of massage methods for thin legs and edema elimination

1. Massage the sole of the foot

(1) first smear around 1 yuan coin size massage oil or lotion on the right foot and right ankle, then use the thumb to move from the right foot to the foot, and push it to the heel for about 10~15.

(2) Similarly, use the thumb pulp to press the toe seam between the toes of the right foot. Each toe seam can be pressed 3 times, and then another toe seam can be changed.

(3) Use the raised knuckles on the fist to slide the gap between the bones on the instep, and then slide from the ankle root to the toe seam 3 to 5 times.

2. Massage the ankle

Use the right thumb pulp to slide and push the lower edge of the protruding bone from the inside of the ankle for 3 times. Slide and push along the outer edge of the protruding bone for 3 times in the same way, and then change the left ankle.

3. Massage the calf

(1) squeeze the size of 1 yuan coins into the palm of the palm, then fold and rub the left and right hands, so that the hands are evenly covered with lotion, and then slide from the bottom up to the front, side and back of the right leg.

(2) The left and right fingers alternate in turn, from the lower leg near the ankle to the top, sliding and pushing while gently pinching the lower leg, sliding and pushing from the bottom to the bottom, gently pinching the lower leg 10 times.

(3) With the right hand back up and the left hand back down, the thumbs of both hands press the inner side of the leg from the bottom of the leg in turn for about 10 times, which can improve the edema of the leg.

(4) With both hands clenching, tap the inside and outside of the leg for about 1 minute with the skin of knuckle and knuckle plane on the fist.

4. Massage the thighs

(1) apply 1 yuan coin size massage oil or lotion on the right thigh skin. Next, make a fist with both hands, place it on both sides of the thigh root, and use the knuckles on the fist to slide and push it from the thigh root to the thigh close to the knee.

(2) Then press the fist down to make the knuckles of the fist and the skin of the knuckles flat against the thigh, and then slide the thigh back and forth again.

(3) Clasp the thigh with the palm of the right hand, slide the inner thigh with the thumb pulp from the lower edge of the inner thigh near the knee, and move to the root of the thigh at the same time. After sliding once, you will feel that the inner thigh muscles are loosened.

Soak feet to eliminate edema

Bubble feet edema using warm water and osmotic pressure principle, bubble feet 5 ~ 10 minutes, can be very good to improve the problem of leg edema.

Methods: soak feet in water, you can add the right amount of rice wine, natural salt or ginger juice, you can help blood circulation, metabolize the body's excess water, water more than calf.

Diet eliminates leg edema

To eliminate body swelling, we can also start from the diet to maintain water balance in the body. Balanced diet is the most important thing. Excessive intake of salt will make water stay in the body, resulting in swelling. Therefore, to maintain water balance, we must discharge excess water out of the body. Eating more food to strengthen water circulation can help reduce swelling.

There is also, usually to reduce the intake of cold food, cold drinks or increase the burden of stomach food, so that your stomach becomes tired, so that the body's water retention down. In addition, to deal with swelling, mild or diuretic effect of food to a balanced intake, and to make the stomach rest, should also reduce eating at night, had better not eat supper, in order to reduce a lot of water intake.

Handstand eliminates leg edema

Handstand can make the blood flow back to the lower limbs, speed up the blood circulation of the lower body, and also has a good effect on eliminating edema, but it must be insisted on for more than half an hour every day to have the effect. You can lie in bed at night before going to bed, just like cycling.