Lean waist yoga is designed to reduce the weight of waist and abdomen

Lean waist yoga is designed to reduce the weight of waist and abdomen

Thin waist yoga, want to drive away the excess fat of the waist and abdomen, in addition to pay attention to a balanced diet, combined with some simple yoga movements, for reducing waist and abdomen fat has a good effect. Here's the recommended Yoga for reducing waist and abdomen fat. Let's learn it quickly.

1 wind tree

Practice: standing, feet open and shoulder width, ten fingers buckle. Inhale, turn your palms over in front of your chest, and extend your spine upward with your arms; exhale, bend your spine to the right, and extend your arms accordingly. Inhale, return to center; exhale, bend your spine to the left, and extend your arms. The above is a group, which can be repeated for 4-6 groups.

Efficacy: reshape the muscle line of the waist, strengthen the digestion and absorption system, and inhibit the accumulation of fat between the waist and abdomen.

2 waist rotary

Practice: standing, feet open and shoulder width, ten fingers buckle. Inhale, turn your palms over in front of your chest, extend your arms upward; exhale, bend forward and downward from your waist until your back and arms are parallel to the ground. Inhale, exhale, and turn the spine 90 degrees horizontally to the right with your arm. Inhale, return to center; exhale, reverse direction, the same. It can be repeated for 4-6 groups.

Efficacy: promote intestinal peristalsis, clean up toxins in the body, and consume the excess fat on the side waist.

3 pinal torsion

Methods: sitting position, knees bent, left leg up, right leg down; right heel placed on the left hip outside the ground, left foot stepped on the right knee outside the ground; right elbow against the left knee joint outside, left arm wrapped in the right waist from behind; inhale, spine up straight; exhale, full twist left rear. Inhale, return to center; exhale, release limbs. The opposite is the same.

Efficacy: massage all internal organs, regulate the normal endocrine and digestive system, and improve the accumulation of fat in the body.

4 side extension position

Practice: stand upright, take a big step forward with the right leg, turn the left foot outward 45 degrees, make the right knee and right toe in a horizontal line, press the body down as far as possible, make the right thigh parallel to the ground. Bend your body and place the palm of your right hand behind your right foot to support the ground. As you stretch your left arm as far as you can, still keep your right thigh parallel to the ground. Try to stretch your arms, not your hunchback, so you can expand your chest.

Efficacy: exercise the whole back, leg muscles, buttock muscles, abdomen and waist muscles.

5 The cobra twists

Practice: prone, feet open with shoulder width, elbow flexion, hands on both sides of the chest on the ground. Inhale, push the palm to the ground, stretch the spine upward; exhale, bend the spine backward; inhale, exhale, twist the spine to the right and back, look at the left heel; inhale, turn back to the center. Exhale in the opposite direction. It can be repeated for 4-6 groups.

Efficacy: reduce excess fat in lower back, hip and buttock. This type of metabolism can completely eliminate the toxin in the lower limbs, but also the body edema.

6 locust

Method: lie on your stomach, open your feet to the same shoulder width, separate your arms from your body about two fists wide; inhale, lift your limbs and body up as far as possible, and keep your hands and feet at the same height. Breathe evenly for a while. Exhale, fall back to the ground and relax. It can be repeated for 4-6 groups.

Efficacy: it is very effective to reduce the excess fat at the waist, back, hip and thigh.