Breast enhancement yoga to be a plump and straight woman

Breast enhancement yoga to be a plump and straight woman

Breast yoga, how to lose weight without reducing the chest? Try the following before bed breast yoga exercises, can help you effectively breast, let you do plump and straight charming woman Oh, let's take a look at it.

The first form of breast enhancement Yoga: ten in one promotion

Step 1: inhale, stand up straight, bend your hands into 90 degrees, keep your elbows and palms as close as possible, and push inward;

Step 2: slowly exhale, hands begin to rise to the highest, maintain the movement for about 10 seconds, repeat 10 times;

Tips: this group of movements can improve the chest outward expansion and make the lines of both sides of the chest tighter. Attention, the body should be as straight as possible, do not hunchback.

The second style: left and right in ten

Step 1: stand up straight, with palms of both hands folded, elbows raised to the chest, and inhale first;

Step 2: exhale slowly, keep your upper body still, squeeze your palms inward, move your hands to the left as far as possible, stay for about 10 seconds, and return to the original position;

Step 3: inhale again, then exhale, move your hands to the right as far as possible, and stay for about 10 seconds. Once on both sides, repeat 10 times;

Tips: This set of movements can make the chest stronger, and also can reduce the worship meat of the arm. Pay attention to squeeze your palms inward, and keep your elbows in balance with your chest when turning left and right.

Third style: stretch and strengthen the chest

Step 1: straighten your body, clench your hands, raise your elbows to your chest, make a 90 degree angle with your chest, and inhale;

Step 2: push both hands forward, try to use chest force, repeat about 10 times;

Tips: this group of movements can make the chest stronger, pay attention to the hand should be straight, not bending.

Fourth position: elbow in ten

Step 1: open your hands, bend your elbows to 90 degrees, and inhale first;

Step 2: exhale slowly, push the elbows of both hands to the middle until the elbows of both hands fully fit, stay for about 10 seconds, then relax and repeat for 10 times;

Tips: This set of movements can improve the outward expansion of the chest and make the chest stronger.