The causes of leg fat nine factors explain leg fat

Girls who love beauty have this kind of feeling. Their legs are so thick that they dare not wear shorts and skirts. What reason is crus fat? In addition to genetic factors, in fact, some small habits in life will also make the legs thicker.

Calf fat or congenital genetic causes

Inborn hereditary calf stout, this is congenital genetic, even if you rarely do physical exercise, but also the calf appears thicker than the average person. This is generally difficult to reduce, but often do some leg massage, leg movement will have a certain effect.

Leg fat or high intensity physical exercise

The strong leg caused by high-intensity physical exercise, such as squatting, long jump, weight lifting and other explosive events, is easy to make the leg muscles become strong to resist the high-intensity training. That's why athletes with high intensity training usually have strong legs.

Leg fat or walking on tiptoe caused by bad posture

For example, when I was a child, I like to walk on tiptoe, take high objects and other bad habits of life posture will cause leg stout.

Leg fat or caused by their own obesity

Obesity caused by the calf stout, generally obese patients with the calf are very stout.

Leg fat or often wear shoes that don't suit you

Because the leg line is not very beautiful, I want to lengthen the leg by using thin high heels and other shoes that are not suitable for me. But because the leg bears too much weight, the force on the leg begins to move outward, which causes the calf muscles to turn out more and more. It is recommended not to wear shoes that are too high and heel too thin.

Leg fat or too tight pants

Sexy too "tight", too fat to wear, tight jeans, corset underwear and other tight clothing, and even mini skirt, sleeveless shirt and other sexy wear, will also make the lower body fat. Because too tight clothing will hinder the normal movement of the legs, but also hinder the blood circulation around the waist and legs; Short skirt will make legs cool, also affect blood circulation, leading to fat accumulation.

Leg fat or estrogen secretion disorder caused

For example, if you are hungry and full in your life, if you take weight-loss drugs indiscriminately, or if you are pregnant accidentally, you will have estrogen secretion disorder, resulting in fat accumulation in your abdomen and thighs, and your lower body will become fatter and fatter.

Leg fat or often cross two legs caused

Whether at home or in the office, if you often cross your legs for a whole day, it will hinder the blood and lymph circulation of your legs, leading to lower body edema. If you don't take good care of the swelling, such as massage, the veins of the lower limbs will gradually protrude, seriously affecting the circulation of the lower body, resulting in fat thickening and even muscle stiffness.

Leg fat or walking posture is not caused

Leg desperately fat, usually no time for exercise, walking to and from work can also fitness. But if you walk in the wrong posture or wear the wrong shoes, you will not only lose weight, but also become fatter, even seriously affecting your foot health. For example, if you walk and pull, you can't burn leg fat at all. On the contrary, your legs will become stronger.