How to make radish legs thin and straight

Radish legs refer to those legs with thin ankles and large calves, which are out of proportion. Radish legs are very awkward. The weather is cool. Radish legs can be wrapped under thick trousers. But in summer and autumn, radish legs can't be covered. So, how do radish legs become thin and straight? Here is the fastest way to thin radish legs.

High heeled shoes and flat shoes alternately to improve radish legs

Girls who often wear high-heeled shoes more than 5cm are prone to turnip legs, but if they wear high-heeled shoes and flat shoes alternately, it can help improve the movement mode of leg muscles and help eliminate turnip legs. Of course, to pay attention to wear high shoes should not wear too high, in order to avoid spinal deformation, leg muscle stiffness.

Soak leg in warm water to eliminate radish leg

Soaking the legs in warm water can help promote the metabolism of the legs and help excrete toxins and other substances accumulated on the legs. However, adding essential oil, bath salt and massage in the water, the effect of eliminating radish legs will be better.

Scrape legs for 20 minutes every day to eliminate radish legs

Buy a scraper plate with ox horn, smear the lotion on the leg, scrape from the top to the bottom according to the acupoint, scrape 20 points at each acupoint, and quickly and vigorously, until the red road is scraped, and the left leg is replaced with the right leg. It's best to shave before going to bed every night. After shaving, don't touch cold water and go to bed directly.

Massage leg to eliminate radish leg

Through massage, the extra fat of legs is consumed, which can make radish legs thin and straight. When massaging, you can soak your feet with hot water first, which can speed up the blood circulation of the legs and help to relax the legs. Kneading and beating massage can help thin legs. To pay attention to the massage time, it is best to continue from the bottom up for about 15 minutes.

15 minutes a day pad toe practice to eliminate radish legs

Yongquan acupoint is the contact point between the toe and the ground when the toe is padded. Stimulating this acupoint has a good driving effect on the blood circulation of the whole body, and Yongquan acupoint is in charge of sleep, which is also good for relieving pressure. For example, when you brush your teeth, wash your face and look in the mirror every day, you can practice padding your toes. 15 minutes of practice every day can reduce your leg circumference by more than 3-5cm for a month or two.

Kick on the air bike every night to eliminate radish legs

Recommend a very effective local movement of thin legs, do a few minutes of cycling in bed before going to bed at night. Lie down, lift up your feet, and do cycling with your feet. It's said in the magazine that it's OK to do more than ten times. I do 300 times every day! After finishing, separate the legs about 80 degrees, a total of 80 points, this method is very effective for the thigh root meat.

Skipping rope to eliminate radish leg

Rope skipping can make the legs get enough exercise and help promote the consumption of calories. When skipping rope, you can deliberately jump on the ground with the sole of your foot first, and then jump on the heel, which can strengthen the effect of thin leg and make the radish leg thin and straight. Of course, after jumping rope, we must stretch and massage.

Jogging to eliminate radish legs
Jogging can help to coordinate the muscles of the whole body, help to effectively burn the fat layer, and has a good elimination effect on fat type and edema type radish legs. We should pay attention to stretching the calf after jogging, so as not to cause the calf muscles to be strong.

Refuse heavy food to help eliminate radish leg
Leg edema and obesity are also closely related to the types of food you eat, but different from waist and abdomen fat, the main factors that affect the leg curve are the body's acid-base balance and potassium sodium balance. If you usually like a certain flavor of food or like to eat a lot of high salt, high sugar and other heavy taste food, these two balance systems are easy to be destroyed. The direct result of breaking the balance is blood circulation problems, leading to edema and obesity, leg curve must be the most direct impact.
The radish legs can also be covered by the right clothing
Choosing pants that fit your leg shape can also visually make radish legs thin and straight. For example, you can choose wide leg pants to cover the meat on your legs perfectly; You can also choose a long skirt. A versatile skirt can cover up the imperfection of the leg shape and help lengthen the proportion of the body.