What method is breast enhancement best the fastest

What method is breast enhancement best the fastest

Breast enhancement is a topic that girls often discuss, because the chest can show a person's charm, so what is the best and fastest way to breast enhancement? When is the best time for breast enhancement? To this end, we have collected and sorted out relevant information and materials, let's have a look!

1. Bath Spa Massage

When bathing, use the shower to wash the chest with warm water or cold water alternately from bottom to top. After washing, while the body is slightly hot, rub on the moisturizer, massage the chest.

Effect: short time of low temperature stimulation can improve breast tissue nutrition, increase tension and promote its growth.

2. Enhanced natural bra

After bathing, apply moisturizing lotion to your whole body. Open your mouth with a smile and repeat it 20 times to strengthen your neck muscles. Use Z to lift your breasts from bottom to top, from outside to inside, and then extend the massage to the upper part of your chest to your neck. The same technique is to lift your breasts upward for about 5 minutes.

Effect: promote blood circulation, tighten neck and chest muscles.

When is the best time for breast enhancement

Stage a: breast swelling phenomenon, but in fact hormone secretion is general, tonic or massage may cause breast discomfort.

Stage B: physiological period and the hour after the end of physiological period

Period, is the lowest time of hormone secretion, even if efforts to tonic and massage, breast fat formation effect is still not good.

Stage C: This is the golden age of breast enhancement! At this time, a large amount of hormone secretion reaches the peak. Strengthening the strength of food supplement and massage can stimulate the fat of breast tissue and make your chest fuller.

The golden period of breast enhancement is 12-24 days from the beginning of your menstruation. During this period, because of the large amount of secretion of estrous hormone, strengthening food supplement and massage can stimulate the growth of breast tissue, and make the cup upgrade more effective. How to fast breast does not rebound, the most important point is to choose good breast products to cooperate with massage.

What thing can eat breast enhancement

1. Carrot

As we all know, carrots are rich in vitamins, of which B vitamins are essential for the synthesis of estrogen in the body, and vitamin E is an important substance to regulate the secretion of estrogen, which can play a role in breast enhancement.

2. Stewed pig feet with peanuts

Ingredients: 200g pig feet, 2tsp peanuts, 2tsp soy sauce, 1tsp sugar, 2tsp cooking wine.

Method: wash the peanuts and pig feet separately and put them into the pot together. Add appropriate amount of water, then add soy sauce, cooking wine and granulated sugar in turn and boil them with fire. Instead, simmer until the pig feet are cooked and rotten.