What's the matter with a child who doesn't have long hair

What is the matter with a child not having long hair? I believe that every parent wants to let her baby have a black and bright hair. But in real life, there are many little babies with sparse hair and yellow color. This makes people look not very healthy, and it will also affect the external beauty. Some parents will ask, what is the matter with children not having long hair? Let's take a look at the following introduction.

What's the matter with a child who doesn't have long hair

According to relevant research, the normal hair growth law of children is a long period of time, and then stop for a while. Generally speaking, under the normal nutrition supply of children and the premise of excluding diseases, the normal hair can grow about 15cm a year, that is, the average hair growth of children is about 0.3mm per day, so the growth of children's hair is weekly It's a long-term one. This is also one of the main reasons to see a baby with a short hair for a while.

Generally speaking, after the baby is born, that is, the newborn period, their hair almost shows no growth state, even if it is very slow to grow, but this situation is a physiological phenomenon, and with their age growing up, the baby is generally around one year old, the hair will gradually increase and turn black. Therefore, even in infancy, even if the baby's hair can not grow out, or hair is less and yellow are normal, mother need not worry about it too much.

However, although, mothers should pay attention to the full supply of nutrition in daily life, which is often conducive to the development of the baby and the growth of hair. We need to remind you that, at ordinary times, we must avoid blind health products or drugs for baby hair, so as to avoid the baby's delicate scalp or adverse consequences. It is suggested that proper sun exposure should be paid attention to in general, avoid anorexia, and pay attention to washing the hair and combing the hair frequently for the baby, so as to keep the scalp clean and sanitary, which is conducive to stimulating the scalp, thus conducive to the growth of the baby's hair.

What is the matter with a child not having long hair? In conclusion, the growth of children's hair is periodic, so it is normal to have no long hair for a period of time. It is suggested that mothers should choose breastfeeding, and mothers should pay attention to a comprehensive and balanced nutrition diet in daily life, which is conducive to the healthy development and hair growth of the baby.