How does hair always meet greasy to do? Try these methods

How does hair always meet greasy to do? Try these methods

Oily hair quality friend, always can be very anxious, feel hair is greasy all day long, good ugly, how should do? How to alleviate greasy hair?

For women with oily hair? Greasy hair is a big worry. Why can your hair be so greasy? Every time you want to wash your hair, it doesn't take long for your hair to get oily again, so many women are distressed. So, how is it that women's hair is always oily? How can it be improved?

The reason for greasy hair

The most fundamental reason for women's greasy hair is the excessive secretion of scalp oil. Many people will try a lot of coping methods, but always can not achieve the desired effect, and then give up. The reason why women's hair is always greasy has nothing to do with diet, spirit and bad living habits. The secondary causes may be family heredity, some diseases and other factors.

1. Related to diet

In the past ten years, people's diet was light, but now people are not happy without meat or spicy food. This is the main cause of greasy hair, excessive intake of oil, the scalp will secrete too much oil, resulting in thick greasy scalp.

2. It is related to mental stress

Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, the pressure of people's life and work has become more and more serious. In the long-term stress state, people's spirit is very easy to tension, even anxiety. When there are these phenomena, it will lead to human endocrine disorders, resulting in hair oil, scalp itching, hair loss and so on.

How to relieve greasy hair?

With the above problems, how to deal with the greasy hair? Today Xiaobian will teach you some ways to relieve greasy hair!

1. Shampoo with sulfur soap

If the hair oil is very strong, you can choose to use sulfur soap to wash your hair. Sulfur soap has strong ability to remove grease. It has the function of sterilization and oil control.

2. Use different brands of shampoo

Do not often use the same brand of shampoo, shampoo is best to often change the use, often keep the hair clean, often comb, can reduce the grease on the hair.

3. Take vitamin B

Oral vitamin B is very effective for scalp oil, can effectively control the excessive secretion of sebaceous glands. In addition, vitamin B can promote hair growth, is one of the nutrients needed for hair growth. It plays an important role in maintaining the normal growth of hair.

4. Eat less greasy food

Eating too much greasy food will cause the sebaceous glands in the head to secrete more oil, which will make the scalp more and more oily. Carrying some dandruff will make the whole scalp dirty. This is not conducive to the healthy growth of hair. Therefore, people should eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and seaweed, which are not only for hair, but also for skin care.