How to reduce the worship meat? 5 movements thin arms

How to reduce the worship meat? 5 movements thin arms

People who don't like to move can never ask for the worship of meat. If you want to create a beautiful line of arms, you need to use dumbbells to do the following five actions to achieve the effect of thin arms. We learn how to lose weight by sports.

Sumo squat with biceps flexion

For slimming parts: exercise the middle arm and lower body

Action method: arm straight, hands each holding a dumbbell, palm outward. Stand with feet apart, heels 50 cm apart, toes slightly outward; when you are ready for the preparatory position, lift your knees and elbows up at the same time, squat down with your body weight on your heels, and then straighten your arms and legs to maintain a complete movement.

A group of 10-12 times, do 2-3 groups.

Trapezius tension

For slimming parts: exercise upper arms and shoulders

Action method: legs apart and shoulder width, hands holding a dumbbell, palm facing themselves. Keep the dumbbell close to the body, lift it to the shoulder, extend the elbows outward, slowly put it down, return to the original position, and complete a set of movements.

A group of 10-12 times, do 2-3 groups.

Triceps capitis extension

For slimming parts: for arm and back movements.

Action method: separate the legs and hips the same width, hold a dumbbell in both hands, bend the elbow behind the head; straighten the arm, lift the dumbbell over the top of the head, and then slowly bend the arm to complete an action.

A group of 10-12 times, do 2-3 times.

Bending barbell

For slimming parts: exercise the strength of the back of the upper arm and triceps.

Action method: lean forward, bend both arms, pay attention to keep the back straight, both arms straight, hold a dumbbell; lift the dumbbell to both sides of the chest, try to tighten the scapula, pay attention to elbow up, do not bow back; slowly return to the original position, complete an action.

A group of 10-12 times, do 2-3 times.

Bend over and fly backwards

For slimming parts: exercise shoulders and upper back

Action method: hold a dumbbell with both hands, bend the knee slightly, keep the back straight, bend forward from the hip joint; exhale, lift the arms to both sides, keep the elbow slightly bent, clamp the scapula, and then control the arms slowly downward, dumbbell toward the ground, complete an action.

A group of 10-12 times, do 2-3 times.