Weight loss exercise 10 minutes before going to bed

Weight loss exercise 10 minutes before going to bed

Weight loss can not be achieved overnight, but to slowly adhere to, that is, we need to accumulate small time every day. For example, 10 minutes of simple weight-loss exercises before going to bed every day can not only eliminate the fatigue of the whole day, but also inject vitality. It also enables you to wake up in the morning and go further towards the goal of achieving the S-curve! Next, what kind of good use of 10 minutes before going to bed to do an effective weight loss exercise? Let's follow the following weight loss actions to have a try!

Get ready to move

Relieve the tense body of working all day

1. Spread your legs, front of your left foot and back of your right foot, and straighten your arms up.

Keep sitting with upper body forward (pelvis, spine)

2. Lean forward slowly

3. Let your body touch the ground as much as possible

4. Straighten your arms up again and turn your upper body and face to the right

5. Keep facing the front right and slowly lean forward

6. Let your body touch the ground as much as possible

7. Return to the basic sitting position, hold the ground with your left hand and straighten up with your right hand

8. Slowly bend your body to the right and extend your left waist. Alternate sides, repeat 1-8 times

Stretch your shoulders and waist

Stimulate shoulders, legs and waist, promote blood circulation and relieve fatigue

1. Straighten your right foot, bend your left foot inward, and straighten your hands up

2. Lean forward slowly

3. Try to keep your head touching your straight foot

4. Hold the tip of your right foot with your left hand, turn your right hand around your waist and turn your body to the right

5. Hold the right toe with the right hand, extend the left hand upward, keep the body lateral, and slowly lean towards the toe

6. Bend the straight right foot back and hold the back floor with both hands

7. Lean back and raise your hips. Alternate sides, repeat 1-7 times

Stretch your spine

Spinal stretch can not only promote blood circulation, but also strengthen the muscles behind the thigh.

The action in step 4 can contract the lower abdomen and achieve the effect of massaging internal organs.

1. Keep your legs straight and your feet strong

2. Keep your hands straight up

3. Lean forward slowly

4. Hold the soles of your feet with both hands and try to touch your head against your calves

5. Bend your knees and place your hands behind you on the ground for support

6. Hold up, raise the waist and hips

Easy level heel lift off the ground for easier movement

1. Straighten your legs forward and put your hands on your knees

2. Lean forward slowly and hold your legs in both hands