How to lose weight with pear shape body

The figure of Asian women is not as sexy as that of foreign women, but more people are pear shaped. So, how should pear shape body lose weight? What can we do to save this ugly pear shaped figure? Below for you to share a simple set of pear shaped body weight loss exercises, so that elephant legs disappear, let the buttocks up oh.

Save the pear shaped body

Action one

This is a variant of the upright kick, which is more robust. It has the effect of lifting and shaping the sagging buttocks, and can increase the elasticity of the buttocks.

Ready position: hands open, slightly wider than shoulders. Support the ground with palms and knees together.

Note: lifting the chin will cause hind kick movement inconvenience, therefore, the chin should be slightly downward inward.

1. While exhaling, hold one leg in a bending position and raise it up quickly, with the sole of the foot facing the ceiling. Pause for 2 seconds and enter action 2.

2. As you inhale, slowly lower your raised leg until it almost touches the ground. This is a complete action. Then repeat action 1.

Note: do not lift the leg too high, so as not to sprain the pelvis.

Action two

1. Open both legs, slightly squat the knee joint, and the squat range shall not exceed the toe.

2. Lift the right foot back first, step the left foot on the ground, bend the knee slightly, repeat for 10 times and then change sides.

3. Kneel on the chair with your left foot, hold the chair back with both hands, keep the top of your head in a straight line with your heel, and do not lean forward or back your neck.

4. Lift the right foot up slowly and try to get close to the buttocks. The distance between the heel and buttocks should be close to each other. After training the right leg, change the left leg

Action three

1. Stand upright, legs straight and close, hands in the waist.

2. Slightly bend your knees and push your stomach forward for 2 seconds.

3. Straighten your legs, push your buttocks back and your stomach back. Stay for 2 seconds.

4. Swing the hip to the right, straighten the right foot, slightly bend the left foot, and stay for 2 seconds.

5. The same movement, side changing operation, before and after a total of 15 minutes, so that the waist and buttock movement at the same time.

Save the beautiful leg of pear shape

Action one

This is called squatting (i.e. squat) movement, and a slight knee bend can strongly stimulate the muscles inside the thigh. Conscious contraction of the hip when doing action 2 can enhance hip lifting.

Preparation posture: take the standing position, cross arms in front of the chest. Open your legs a little wider than your shoulders. Note: stand out at the tip of your feet.

1. keep the upper body straight, evenly distribute the body center of gravity to the whole foot, and slowly bend and squat down the knee. Inhale during action, pause at the lowest point for 2 seconds and enter action 2. The knee bends at an angle of 110 degrees.

2. place the body center of gravity on the heel, extend the knee quickly, and contract the hips with great effort, and return to the initial position. This is a complete action.

Note: upper body cannot lean forward, hips can not be raised backward. If you feel that the muscles and buttocks behind your thighs feel hot and swollen after this exercise, you will be right.

Action two

1. sit on the chair, hold the chair with both hands, and straighten the back, and extend one leg parallel to the ground.

2. pull the toe forward as far as possible, feel tight, do 10 times and change the other leg.

3. keep shoulders relaxed and sit, legs straight forward, hands gently on the abdomen, and slowly exhale and tighten the abdomen.

4. suck foot gas, raise your legs up, and gradually contract your abdomen. After 5 seconds, you start to breathe slowly. Relax your shoulders, abdomen and legs, repeat 10 times.

Action three

1. raise your head and chest and open your abdomen. Open your feet and stand slightly wider than your shoulders. Lift your hands flat;

2. inhale, bend your knees slowly, lean forward slightly on the upper body, press down slowly and forcefully at the waist, which is a bit like a squatting horse step, and the thighs are parallel to the ground for 10 seconds;

3. exhale, slowly raise the upper body, extend your knees, and then turn into a slightly squat position, and then continue to squat down. Do this back and forth 10 times.

Action points:

1. make sure that the thighs are parallel to the ground.

2. don't fully straighten your knees when you stand up.

3. when bending the knee, you can lean forward slightly to the upper body, so as to keep the body balanced and stable.

Life and diet to save pear shaped body

1. Dietotherapy and detumescence

Pear shaped people will inevitably have the problem of lower body swelling. In order to make the lower body thin, the first task is to reduce the swelling. And the best way to reduce swelling is: eat!

To eliminate lower body edema, you can eat more vegetables and beans with diuretic and detumescence effects, such as wax gourd, watermelon, celery, spinach, cucumber, red beans, etc. These foods are low in calories and have the effect of reducing fat. Eating more of these foods can significantly improve lower body obesity.

Recommended recipe: hot and sour wax gourd soup

Ingredients: wax gourd 150g, cucumber 50g, coriander, onion, ginger

Method: cut white gourd and cucumber into thin slices; Heat the bottom oil, stir fry onion and ginger, stir fry wax gourd and cucumber; Add water, bring to a boil, add vinegar, pepper and a little water starch according to taste, and finally add coriander.

2. Sit upright

Sitting posture plays an important role in people's body shape. If you can't sit for a long time, sitting with your back arched or legs cocked will make the lymph of the lower body blocked, hinder blood circulation, and lead to the accumulation of fat in the lower body. The correct sitting posture will make the pelvis tight, buttocks round and warped, leg blood circulation unobstructed, the lower body is not easy to obesity.

Key points of correct sitting posture:

a. The shoulders are flat and relaxed, the arms are naturally bent and put on the knees, or on the armrest of the chair or sofa.

b. Erect waist, chest and upper body.

c. Keep your knees together and your legs straight or side.

d. At least 2 / 3 of the chair is full and the back of the chair is light.

e. When standing up, take half a step back with your right foot and then stand up.

f. When talking, you can sit on your side and turn your upper body and legs to one side at the same time.

3. Massage thin lower body

Massage can dredge lymph, promote blood circulation, help to lose weight. Massage weight loss techniques general body, thin lower body of course is no exception.

Specific massage technique:

a. Put your hands around your thigh, press the front of your thigh with your thumb, and massage both sides of your thigh with four fingers.

b. Both hands in backhand position, with the thumb to press the back of the calf, the other four fingers to press the calf, can relieve the leg tired mood.

c. With a fist in hand, press the lymph nodes on the inside of the thigh with a little force at the joints of the fingers.

d. From the bottom to the top, use your fingers to form a Y-shaped joint part, and apply an appropriate amount of force to press the back of the leg.