It's better not to take a bath immediately when practicing yoga

Many people believe that they have just started practicing yoga recently. They don't know much about some functions of yoga, and they don't know much about some common sense of yoga. For example, many people habitually take a bath after exercise. In fact, it's not suitable to take a bath immediately after practicing yoga.

Experts said that just after yoga, taking a bath will not only reduce the effect of practice, but also cause unnecessary damage to the body.

At the end of the exercise, the body is often in a state of extreme excitement. At this time, if you take a hot bath immediately, the blood vessels will expand rapidly, and the blood will flow back to the brain, increasing the pressure of the heart. And hot and cold stimulation can hurt the body. It is generally advocated that practitioners, especially those with arthritis, should take a bath before practicing, and then take a rest for 20 minutes to half an hour. This can increase the feeling of cleanliness and relaxation, increase the temperature of the body, reduce muscle tension, help stretch the body, and open up various links. People who practice after getting up in the morning don't have to take a bath before practice.

In addition, yoga practitioners should also pay attention to eating problems. Yoga practice, the body's blood concentrated in local muscles or organs, will affect the digestion and absorption of food. Therefore, we should pay attention to 1 hour before and after the exercise to keep an empty stomach. If you have a strong sense of hunger before practice, you can drink a glass of milk or eat some liquid and digestible food. Rest for at least half an hour after practice before eating. Fruits and vegetables are the most suitable.

Need to remind practitioners, do not force every action to fully extend to the coach's level, should be based on their own limits or feel comfortable so far.