To say goodbye to the bucket waist and big belly woman, just pay attention to six details

It's not easy for office workers to lose weight. There is too little time and training is too difficult. But is this really the case?

I believe many people want to know how to lose weight for office workers. They can achieve the best effect without wasting too much time. Today, Xiaobian will take you to know.

Avoid junk food

When people are busy, they often eat what they have around them. Therefore, in order to lose weight, they should first throw away the high sugar snacks in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet, and process junk food such as potato chips and biscuits.

Don't rely on sugar and coffee

People who are pressed for time and stressed like to drink coffee or eat high sugar food to "cheer up" themselves. However, caffeine and sugar will make you more tired after giving you short-term excitement. When you feel nervous, it's better to drink a cup of tea to relieve your stress.

Supplement cellulose

Stress is often accompanied by constipation, because sympathetic nerve activity will inhibit intestinal peristalsis, so it is recommended to intake sufficient cellulose, such as vegetables, fruits and cereals

climb stairs

Climbing stairs can exercise legs and hips, lift hips and thin legs. If your company's floor is not very high, instead of spending time waiting for the elevator, change the route and take the stairs.

Do a little exercise between work

Many people complain that they don't have time to do sports at work, because they don't use their spare time to do some small sports. When you go to work, you can just sit on a chair and do simple movements. Specific actions: sit in two-thirds of the chair, legs together, natural placement, left hand on the back of the chair, right hand on the edge of the left chair, waist to the left twist, keep the lower body motionless. This movement is good for eliminating the fat around the waist.

Ensure sleep

The first thing you must do to fight off overwork and obesity is to sleep at least six hours a day, and it's better to sleep eight hours.

Western medicine, Chinese medicine weight loss experts said with one voice, "lack of sleep, don't want to lose weight!" Studies at home and abroad have confirmed that people who sleep less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours a day have higher body mass index (BMI) than those who sleep about 7-8 hours, and they are also prone to accumulate body fat.