You can lose weight by eating radish! 2 radish diet meals to reduce your waistline

Unknowingly, March is also the beginning of spring. It is said that March does not lose weight, but April is sad. So what should we eat to lose weight in spring?

Spring all things grow, what to eat to lose weight? Today I recommend radish.

Principle of radish weight loss

White radish is a common vegetable, which can be eaten raw or cooked, and has low calorie. It is a good weight loss vegetable. Its choline substance can eliminate accumulation and promote fat decomposition. Mustard oil can help the metabolism of lipid food, crude fiber and lignin can accelerate the excretion of toxins in the body, and improve constipation

Effect of eating raw radish on weight loss

Radish has the new supersedes the old. It is called isothiocyanic acid. It has antioxidant effect. If you take isothiocyanic acid, it can remove the reactive oxygen species, improve metabolism, help you to build lean body that fat is hard to accumulate, and also improve the health and health effects of radish, such as aging, and prevent it.

Speaking of this isothiocyanate, it is not simply stored in radish. When we slice, shred and chop radish, isothiocyanate can be automatically generated after the cell is damaged. In other words, the way of cutting radish can also produce this substance. Isn't it amazing!

There is another tip to teach you. If you have eaten raw radish, you will find that the part close to the radish leaves tastes sweet, while the part at the tip of radish is more and more spicy, which means that the content of isothiocyanate at the tip is more abundant!

Recommended radish diet

Cherry fruit salad with mashed radish (86kcal)

Weigan promotes blood circulation and improves metabolism

With the cherry fruit which has the function of fat burning, add some onion, allicin can make the fat in the blood burn more effectively, help the blood circulation and improve the metabolism.

Materials (2 points)

White radish: 360g (about 12cm)

Virgin fruit: 8

Onion: 40g (about 1 / 5)

< seasoning a >

Vinegar: 2 tablespoons

Olive oil: half a teaspoon

Salt, black pepper: a little each


(1) Wash the white radish, grind the skin into mud, chop the onion, remove the pedicel and divide into 4 equal parts.

(2) Pour < a > into a bowl, add onion and cherry, mix well, and finally add mashed radish.

Fried Tofu with turnip (110kcal)

The smell of fried tofu and small miscellaneous fish is very full

Fried tofu can be roasted without oil in a fluorine resin pan and grilled fish shelf. It can also leave proper natural oil and satisfactory fragrance.

Materials (2 points)

White radish: 360g (about 12cm)

Fried tofu: 1 piece (30g)

Small miscellaneous fish: 2 tablespoons

Orange vinegar: 4 teaspoons


(1) Wash the white radish, grind the skin into mud, fry the bean curd in a frying pan to make 2 sides crispy, cut half and chop.

(2) Stir (1) with the small miscellaneous fish, place in the container and pour the orange vinegar.