Lazy people raise thin legs yoga, easy to have slender long legs

Everyone knows yoga can lose weight and beautify the body. In fact, yoga has an increased effect, but we don't know that yoga has a good effect, but it will take a long time. The weight loss person recommends that the lazy people increase the lean leg yoga exercise, and have slim and long legs easily.

Yoga can be slimmer, but do you know Yoga actually has an increased effect? Not only make you look more slender and temperament, but also look more tall. You only need to spare half an hour to exercise every day, and you can see a different person for a month.

Lateral lying and leg lifting

Lie on the side, face to the right, hold the head with the right hand, place the left hand on the floor in front of the chest, the right leg is straight to the ground, the left leg is straight, and the left foot is placed on the chair seat.

Inhale, lift the right foot off the ground and place the right foot under the seat. Exhale, repeat on the other side.

Standing kicking

Stand in a standing position, close your feet, keep your legs straight, hold your hands on the back of the chair, straighten your back, lean back on your shoulders, and look at the front of your eyes.

The left leg is straightened and pushed back until the toe is several centimeters away from the floor. If the conditions permit, the left leg can be raised as much as possible and repeated on the other side.

Sitting in one leg lifting position

Sit in a sitting position, keep the left leg straight in front, bend the right leg and place it over the left leg, the right hand on the knee of the right leg, the left hand on the right foot, the back straight, the shoulder open backward, and the head slightly lowered.

Slowly straighten your arms, hold your right leg down and try to lower them. Lift your head and look at the front of your eyes.

Supine single kick

Lie on the side, face facing right, hold the head with right hand, place left hand on the floor in front of chest, bend right leg, right foot at rear, left leg straight, left foot slightly ground.

Inhale, slowly lift the left leg off the ground and point to the top of the slope until the left leg is 60 degrees from the floor. Exhale, lower left leg, repeat multiple times. Change to the other side.

Kneeling with one leg raised

Kneel on one knee with your left foot, bend your right leg and lift it up slightly. The lower leg of your right leg is parallel to the ground. Support the ground with both hands and raise your hips. Keep your upper body upright for 5 seconds. Lean your upper body forward slightly, open your hands to support the ground, keep your left leg on the ground, and keep your right leg straight back for 10 seconds.

Kneel on both legs, bend your right foot forward, circle your calf inward, press your left leg back to the ground, and lean forward for 10 seconds. Keep the leg movement unchanged, bend the upper body forward slowly, try to touch the ground with your forehead, bend your elbows with both hands, and keep your arms perpendicular to the ground for 10 seconds. Exhale slowly, use the strength of your hands to gradually return to the third step. Keep your hands straight and look ahead for 10 seconds.

Stand and bend forward

Feet together, legs straight, arms straight, natural drop, fingers close, palm toward the front of the body, shoulder back open, back straight, eyes in front. Slowly straighten your arms over the top of your head, put your hands together and lift them up, lift your chest up, and straighten your legs.

Lower your arms and bend down until your forehead is on your calves, your hips are up, your hands are on the floor next to your feet, and your forearms are close to your calves.


Feet together, legs straight, body slowly bending down, while straightening arms, hands holding toes, back straight, head extended forward, straightening body inverted triangle.

Plate type

Take the push up posture as the starting point, with arms straight under the shoulders, legs straight, toes on the ground. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and lower your body parallel to the floor.